is an advanced online scheduling system that allows you to create booking page for your clients and manage your reservations from admin interface. Thousands of clients all over the world have chosen our booking software to make their business easy and comfortable to use (see our testimonials). provides clients with numerous features adjusted to requirements of your business. Our core features include:

- Creating booking page with real-time availability of services and staff
- Insights and statistics about your bookings
- Ability to create multiple services, providers, categories and locations
- Accepting payments online
- Viewing statistics about your reservations, cancellations, workload and revenues
- Sending email and sms notifications to clients and providers (staff)
- Adjusting time zone settings if you have clients in different time zones
- Creating multiple users related to providers
- Creating individual schedules for staff
- Creating schedules for specific dates only
- Creating events
and much more!

Brief overview of the appointment booking system for beginners

After you have registered your account with, the next step is to organize your working schedule, configure providers, services and plenty of other stuff. When you create an account, the system automatically creates 2 pages for you: admin interface and booking page.

Admin interface is where you login and manage your bookings, settings, design etc. Clients have no access to that page. (Example:

Admin page resized.PNG

Booking Page is the interface for your clients. There, they can book your services and leave contact info. You can always access your booking page by clicking "My booking site" button in the upper right corner of your admin page. You will be transferred to the booking page and you can also send the url to your clients so that they can easily find your company. (Example: )

Booking page.PNG

Layout and menu

1. Upper bar. Three-line button shows/hides the full menu on the left. Latest news are marked as green notifications. Messages are marked with red and notifications in yellow.
2. The first tab you see is Dashboard. It contains statistics about your performance, your current subscription package, bookings, performers, clients activity, reviews, news and other data useful to check regularly and pay attention to. By analyzing the information you can make inferences about your business and figure out what can be done to improve it. If you need to know more about each section, just press the "i" sign.
3. Calendar is a section where you can manage (add,edit and delete) your bookings and quickly add break times.
4. Manage tab contains 4 sections:
Services - add, delete and edit services + create events
Providers - add, delete and edit providers
Clients - add, edit and delete clients
Users - add, edit and delete users.
5. In the Time Settings you have the following sections:
Company Opening hours - regular schedule for your company on a weekly basis
Company Special days - here you can set up specific schedule or days off for your company, for example like national holidays.
Service provider schedule - individual regular schedule for each of your staff members (if you have only 1 provider, his/her working time is the same as company's opening hours)
Provider Special days - specific schedule for each of your staff, here you would for example enter as specific days when relevant staff takes his/her holiday (if you have only 1 provider (staff), his/her working time is the same as company's special days)
6. Reviews. Here you can see the reviews from your clients.
7. Promotions. To use this tab, you need to enable Simply Smart Promotions plugin in the plugin section and then you can use promotions to enhance your business.
8. Plugins. Plugins are used to enhance the system and customize it in line with your needs. Please see the list of all Plugins and their function here.
9. Settings. You can discover more about different types of settings by pressing the "i" signs above and to the right of each setting. the See all questions related to settings here.
10. Prices.
Subscriptions. Here you can view different tariffs and purchase subscriptions.
Additional items. Here you can purchase SMS credits, additional bookings and plugins.
Affiliates. Referral program.


This page contains questions related to the settings of the system. For example:

Date and time settings, Email and SMS settings, Custom translations, System users, Clients, Company information, Services, Service providers, Design, Widgets and more.


With the help of additional functionalities presented in a form of plugins you can:

Create specific intake forms for your clients by adding additional fields
Accept payments online
Auto allocating available service provider for service
Access API
Approve bookings manually
Remind your customers to book your services soon
Delete unnecessary booking data from the past
Design your booking page with additional CSS functionality
Receive full info about your bookings every day
Simplify booking process by enabling your clients to log via Facebook
Track statistics with Google Adwords
Synchronize your booking system with Google Calendar
Allow group bookings
Use HTML formatting in the description fields
View additional statistics and charts for your performance
Limit Bookings per time slot
Access admin interface from your Android or iPhone
Allow your clients to book several services easily and pay with 1 payment
Keep clients updated with your recent news
Mark providers with different colors in your admin calendar
Create different service categories
Send promotions
Use secure sockets layer for your page
Assign different statuses for your bookings
Take your clients to a particular web address after they made a booking
Add your own Terms&Conditions to the booking page
Create multiple locations
and more


Is your service free?
I upgraded the system but the plugins are still unavailable
What will happen if I don't renew my subscription?
How to allow smaller intervals than 1 hour?
How to change timeframe?
I have problems with notifications
Can I change some texts in bookings/admin interface?
Can I translate the system to my own language?
Where can I change my schedule for the week?
Can I have specific schedule for certain days?
How to connect service to provider
How to create different schedules for services?
Plugins are not working
Simplybook doesn’t sync with Google calendar
Clients/Providers are not getting Email/SMS notifications
Can’t book certain time/date
How to add widget to my website
How to hide tab "Employee" from my booking page?
How to show day of the week in calendar?
and more