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1 is not greater than 2 (when trying to change number of clients per provider)


If you receive such error it means that in the past you already had 2 bookings at the same time and the system can't change the value for smaller because of inner conflict, by default that number can be changed only for bigger number.

Providers issue.png
How to solve the problem
1. Create new provider in Manage // Providers and make that provider have only 1 client at a time.
2. Disable the old provider from client interface in Manage // Providers // Pen icon and press Disable provider from client interface link (should become bold and red). In this case clients will not see the old provider and won't book for him.
3. Not to get double booked with new provider, you will need to block time in his schedule when your old provider has bookings. For example you have booking for 10am for old provider, but this time is free for new provider, who has no bookings. Consequently, you need to block time 10am for new provider.
Variant A (good for those who have just several bookings): to block time for new provider using breaktimes in Calendar // Add breaktime mode // Add breaktime. We recommend to open the schedule of old provider in one tab and schedule of new provider in another tab to better see busy times.

Variant B (also good for those who have just several bookings): In calendar you simply press "edit" on the booking and change old provider to new provider. In this case, your providers and clients will receive "Booking Change" email, if you want to prevent this, please uncheck the box near Booking Change email in Settings // General settings // Email and SMS settings.
Variant C (for automatic blocking of times, requires Google calendar): Enable Google Calendar Sync Custom Feature in Custom Features // Custom Features section and connect both providers to 1 Google calendar. Check the boxes "sync busy time" for both providers. In this case, the bookings from old provider will go to Google calendar and then block time in the schedule of new provider.
4. After the dates of the bookings for old provider pass, you can delete old provider in Manage // Providers // Delete icon.