Any Employee Selector custom feature

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Any employee new icon.png

You can use this Custom Feature to add a service provider called "Any provider" to the booking page, and if the client chooses this provider, all times of available providers will show.

Any employee client side view.png

You can also use this Custom Feature to:

  • Hide employee step on the booking page.
  • Auto allocate any available provider for selected service randomly.

This way the client only chooses the service and the time so it simplifies the booking process.

How to use
1. Enable "Any Employee selector" custom feature in Custom features section.
Any employee enable path redesigned.png

2. Go to the settings on the right to adjust "Any employee" option title and description to your needs.
Any employee setting s redesigned.png

3. If you need to hide providers from the booking site and/or assign them randomly please check the corresponding boxes there.