Multiple Locations custom feature

Allows creating multiple service locations and relating them with different service providers (staff members). Locations will be shown as the first step on the booking site.
How to use
1. Enable Multiple Locations custom feature in Custom Feature section//Adding more to booking website.

2. Add locations either in the settings of the Custom Feature or in Manage//Service Providers//Add location.

3. Click on "Location providers" tab for corresponding location and check necessary boxes to connect service providers with location.

4. (Optional) In Settings // General settings // Email and SMS settings insert the following variables into your email templates:

- [location] - value of field "Location name"
- [location_address] - value of field "Location address"
- [location_phone] - value of field "Location phone"
- [location_description] - value of field "Location description"
How to set schedule for location
You can set individual schedule for the provider and then relate provider to the location. Thus working hours of the provider related to location will automatically apply to location.
- 1. To set individual schedule for provider go to Settings//Service providers//Working hours, or to Manage//Service Providers//Service providers schedule and you can set opening hours, break times, and special days for this specific employees. Just take care that opening hours of employees must be within opening hours of company.
- 2. To relate provider and location go to Manage//Service Providers//Service provider's locations and check the boxes with location(s) provider should be related to.
How can I relate service to location
Locations can be related only to service providers, thus if you need to relate service to the particular location, you need initially to relate this service to the service provider:
- 1. In Manage//Service Providers//Services, attached to this service provider check the boxes with services related to this provider.
- 2. In Manage//Service Providers//Service provider's locations and check the boxes with location(s) provider should be related to.
The example of client view