AllGoogle Authenticator custom feature
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Translations:Google Authenticator custom feature/Page display title/yue-hant
Google Authenticator custom feature
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|description=Add an extra layer of security with Google Authenticator. Protect your account with two-factor authentication. Activate today!
Translations:Google Authenticator custom feature/6/yue-hant
|description=Add an extra layer of security with Google Authenticator. Protect your account with two-factor authentication. Activate today!
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[[File:Google authenticator.png |left]] <br> Add security to your account. You can use a 2-step authentication when logging into your account preventing unauthorized access. Upon entering password, you'll be asked to insert 6-digit login code from your Google authenticator or a 3rd party app.<br>
You can use this custom feature with or without HIPAA feature depending on your needs and business requirements.
:'''Please note!''' In case you have this feature enabled our support agents will not be able to access your account settings.
:As well it will not be possible to connect the account to [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Zapier_Connector | Zapier]].
=How to use it as admin user=
:1. Open “Custom features” page using left-side menu of your admin interface and find “Security & Data Protection” section. Just click on “Enable” near “Google authenticator”
[[File:Google authenticator enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:2. To set 2-step authentication please go to Manage//Users using left-side menu or click on ”Set up 2-step authentication” near this custom feature.
[[File:Google auth setup 2fa path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]]
:3. On Manage//Users page click on “+” and create all desired system users to be able to connect each to 2-step authentication.
[[File:Create new user path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:4. Download “Google Authenticator” application from Google Play or App Store. You can just scan QR-code in Manage//Users//select the user//Google Authenticator and immediately get to application page.
[[File:Install google auth app redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:5. In the same section scan QR-code with Google Authenticator application on your smartphone, enter the code you see in the app and click on "Connect" button.
[[File:Connect google auth steps redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:6. All done! This user can now log in in more secure way!
:Login process will look like as follows:
:- open site or direct link as<br>
:- fill in all necessary details and password<br>
:- enter 6-digits code from Google Authenticator feature
[[File:Google auth login page redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
''If you plan to allow your employees to be able to connect themselves please create them as users beforehand and allow them to login without 2-step authentication in Custom features//Google authenticator//Settings//Settings.''
[[File:Google auth allow to login without 2fa redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
=How to connect Google Authenticator if you are a user=
:1. Google Authenticator custom feature should be previously enabled by admin as described above.
:2. Open “Account info” page by clicking on your username in the left-side menu and follow the links there to download the application if you have not done this before.
[[File:Account infor page download app2.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:3. Click on “Connect/Change” link, scan the code, enter the code you get and save settings.
[[File:Account info page connect 2fa redesigned2.png|1200px| center|link=]]
:4. From now you will login in more secure way!
:Login process will look like as follows:
:- open site or direct link as<br>
:- fill in all necessary details and password<br>
:- enter 6-digits code from Google Authenticator feature
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