AllGoogle Tag Manager custom feature
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Google Tag Manager custom feature
Translations:Google Tag Manager custom feature/Page display title/om
Google Tag Manager custom feature
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|description=Use Google Tag Manager to track client interactions on your booking page. Optimize your analytics. Activate now!
Translations:Google Tag Manager custom feature/2/om
|description=Use Google Tag Manager to track client interactions on your booking page. Optimize your analytics. Activate now!
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[[File:Google tag manager icon.png | left]] <br>This feature allows to manage tracking and marketing optimization JavaScript tags on your site. You can add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and non-Google tags. <br><br> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]]</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable Google Tag Manager custom feature in your Custom features section. [[File:Google tag manager enable path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Sign up for a [ Google tag manager site] <br> :3.  Create a new container and set it up. <br> :4. Insert the container ID on the admin page -> Custom features -> Google Tag Manager -> on the right side. [[File:Google tag manager settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> Useful links: *[[Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal|Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal]] *[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]] <br><br>
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