AllInsights custom feature
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Insights custom feature
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|description=Gain valuable insights into bookings and client trends. Use this feature to make data-driven decisions. Activate now!
Translations:Insights custom feature/4/ceb
|description=Gain valuable insights into bookings and client trends. Use this feature to make data-driven decisions. Activate now!
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This Custom Feature creates a variety of charts with key performance indicators in your new financial dashboard.
Providers availability, total bookings, payment per provider etc
;How to use
:1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Insights</span> on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom features</span> page.
[[File:Insignts enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
:2. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Dashboard</span> to check the graphs and charts.
[[File:Insights on dashoboard overview redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]]
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