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<br/><br/> 7. Here you can see how this way will look like on the client side (they will select the main service first and then choose the additional duration if they need to):
<br/> <br/> 6. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Company opening hours</span> (when you have only 1 service) or in the working hours of this service (<span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services schedule</span> or <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services</span> -> select the service -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services schedule</span>) open only 1 hour each day.
<br/> <br/> 5. (optional) Relate the Add-ons to the desired services if necessary and you have some specific additional duration options per service.
<br/> <br/> 4. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Service add-ons</span> create all the desired additional duration options.
<br/> <br/> 3. Enable <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Service_Add-ons |Service add-ons]]</span> custom feature inside the tab on the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services</span> page or in <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom features</span> section.
<br/><br/> 2. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">+</span> button create service with the duration corresponding to the amount of days your service will initially be offered for (3 days=3 hours, 7 days=7 hours).<br/><br/>
1. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Main configuration</span> -> set both <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Allow service to extend over breaktime</span> and <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Allow service to extend over closing hours.</span> to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Yes</span> and save.<br/>
==Single service with the use of [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Service_Add-ons |Add-ons]]==
<br/><br/> 5. For your clients this setup will look in the following way:
<br/><br/> 4. The system will then book the number of hours indicated in service duration as the number of days.<br/>
<br/> <br/> 3. In the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Company opening hours</span> (when you have only 1 service) or in the working hours of this service (<span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services schedule</span> or <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services</span> -> select the service -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services schedule</span>) open only 1 hour each day.
<br/><br/> 2. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Services</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">+</span> button create service with the duration corresponding to the amount of days your service will be offered for (3 days=3 hours, 7 days=7 hours).<br/><br/>
1. In <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Main configuration</span> -> set both <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Allow service to extend over breaktime</span> and <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Allow service to extend over closing hours.</span> to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Yes</span> and save.<br/>
==Multiple services==
<br/><br/> __TOC__
<br/><br/> [] has no option of booking days, however, there is a workaround, please check if these options are suitable for your business. <br/> :'''Video tutorial available '''
Book days
Video tutorial [[File:Youtube-Logo.png|link=]] <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable Point of Sale Custom Feature on your Custom Features page, “Other” section. [[File:Pos enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Click on “Go to POS” near this feature or in top right corner of your admin interface under "My booking channels". [[File:Pos interface path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. You will see sale start page. (If you need to return here at some point please use “Home” icon in the top left corner.) [[File:Pos start page.png | center]] <br><br> :4. By default guest client is selected, but you can select a client from already existing ones in your system. [[File:Pos select client.png | center]] <br><br> :5. Or add new client directly from POS interface. [[File:Add new client from pos.png | center]] <br><br> :6. Select “New Sale” option to sell service/membership/package/product/add-on. [[File:New sale.png | center]] <br><br> [[File:Select sale option.png | center]] <br><br> :7. If you have selected service option new booking will be created. Please choose which service/class, provider, date and time do you wish to book. Add product(s), add-on(s) if necessary and click on “Save”. [[File:Pos new booking.png | center]] <br><br> :8. On the next step you can add more options to the cart(left side of the page) or confirm all the selections by clicking on the “Checkout button”(right side of the page). [[File:Pos checkout.png | center]] <br><br> :9. Select payment method to confirm the order. [[File:Choose payment method.png | center]] <br> :10. If you have chosen “Credit card/Wire transfer/Cash” the order will be automatically confirmed meaning that you have received the money using the options mentioned.<br> :If you have selected “Pay later” the order will be displayed as “pending”. You will be able to click on “Checkout” once more and select another payment method to confirm the sale. [[File:Pos received payment.png | center]] <br><br> [[File:Pos pay later.png | center]] <br><br> :11. You can go to “Home” page and use filters to see today/upcoming/expired/non-booking/pending/paid, etc. orders. It is possible to click on the order to see the details/print the invoice. [[File:Pos report.png | center]] <br><br>
|description=Manage in-person payments and sales with the Point of Sale feature. Simplify transactions. Activate this feature now!
=Booking site operation= :1. The clients will be able to navigate to the “Packages” tab on your booking site. :'''Please note''', the client must be logged in to see his/her purchases. [[File:Packages client side new.png | border| center]] <br><br> :2. They will find a suitable set, choose a start date and buy the package. [[File:Packages client side new date select.png | center]] <br><br> :(if they select “pay later” option during checkout you will need to approve their purchase from admin side first. Then they will be able to book/buy the items included) <br><br> :3. When the client has already the purchased package and books the separate services/products/add-ons, he/she will be able to cover those items with his packages’ credits (if included in packages) or pay for them in a regular way. [[File:Packages client side new apply pack.png| center]] <br><br> <br><br>
=The use of Packages within the POS feature= :1. Make sure you have enabled POS custom feature. [[File:Pos enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to POS interface, click on “New sale” button. [[File:Pos new sale.png | center]] <br><br> :3. Select the client on the right side of the page to make the "Package" button active. [[File:Sell package step1.png | center]] <br><br> :4. Pick the item and define the start date. End date will be automatically set based on the package duration after you save the selection. [[File:Sell package step2.png| center]] <br><br> :'''Please note''', if the package is hidden from the booking page it will be still available within POS interface as it is part of admin side visible to POS user. <br><br> :5. Proceed to checkout after you have added all the necessary services/products/add-ons/memberships/gift cards to the cart. [[File:Sell_package_step3.png | center]] <br><br> :6. You may have a client who has already purchased a package before and wants to use it.<br> :You will be able to see if there is an applicable package after the necessary services are already added to cart.<br> :Then you will be able to click on “Use packages” button so that the items selected will be fully or partially paid with this set during the checkout. [[File:Use packages pos new.png|1200px | center]] <br><br><br>
Video tutorial available [[File:Youtube-Logo.png|link=]] <br><br> =How to use= :1. To switch this custom feature on, please navigate to your Custom Features page, go to “Booking related” section and click on “Enable” [[File:Packages enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Then choose “Manage” option either near the custom feature or navigate to Packages in Manage section of the left-side menu. [[File:Packages settings path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Just click on “+” button to create a new package. The form will appear on the right side of the page. [[File:Create new package form redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Insert package name, add a description (you can even use HTML formatting for a better look) and image. :At this point you can also set the package price: you can specify the defined pack cost (if you want to make a discount, for example) or :skip price box to later calculate the total amount of all the elements included into the package. :'''Please note,''' it is not possible to create a package without a price. [[File:Package details overview redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :5. Define the validity period of the package,<br> :enable and set the general limit for the included items(optional, will be applied to services, add-ons and products connected to the package) :and set the number of sets available for sale (unlimited by default). [[File:Package duration and general limits redesigned.png|1200px |border| center|link=]] <br><br> :6. Proceed to adding services, products and add-ons to the package<br> :(you still need to set them in addition to the general limit if you use it to include the desired items into the pack, otherwise it will not be possible to use the package during the service/class booking process). :You will see three corresponding sections below. [[File:Package items options redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :7. Please select “Services” section, check the boxes with the necessary items and set the quantity that will be available for booking within the package. [[File:Add services to package redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :8. If you are using [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Products_for_Sale |Products for sale]] and/or [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Service_Add-ons |Service Add-ons]] features simply select the corresponding tabs and add elements the same way. [[File:Add products to package redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :9. After you have added all the options and if you have not set a package price yet, get back to the “Details” tab and use “Calculate price” button to make the system automatically sum up all the elements prices for you. [[File:Calculate price for package redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :10. Now you can click on “Save and issue package” to issue it to certain customers or simply save everything and allow your clients to buy this package on your booking site. [[File:Save and issue the package redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :If you assign a package from admin side or the client buys a package on the booking site he/she will receive package activation notification :The invoice will be sent only in the case of the purchase and payment made from the client side. <br><br> :11. Go to Reports//Issued packages to check packages order history, customer data, as well as the number of remaining items. :Use filters for more extensive analysis. :Here you can also cancel the package for the specific client if needed. [[File:Packages report with filter overview redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br>
:'''Please note''': *as soon as you turn this custom feature on, [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Client_Login | Client login]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Accept_Payments | Accept Payments]] features will be enabled as well. *if the appointment that was purchased with the package credits is then cancelled the credits are not returned to the client's balance.<br>To get the service reverted to the package limit of a particular client you can go to Reports -> Payment Transactions and delete/refund the related transaction.<br>(Refund option is available only if you have [[Special:MyLanguage/ integration|]] Pro integration) *this feature is not compatible with [[Clean History custom feature|Clean History]]
|description=Offer service packages for your clients to book multiple appointments at once. Manage efficiently. Enable this feature today!
<br><br> :1. Enable [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Custom_Domain | Custom Domain]] feature per one-time payment(you will see the exact price in your account) on your Custom features page. [[File:Custom domain enable path redesigned.png| 1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to its "Settings" by selecting the corresponding option on the right side of the page. [[File:Custom domain settings path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Then in your Domain controller, you need to find where you set the DNS records and set A-record to IP mentioned in this feature settings. :'''Please note!''' AAAA (IPv6) record must not be set, otherwise SSL certificate cannot be issued. [[File:Custom domain settings overview redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :After A-records are set enter domain name you wish to use in its settings and save. <br> :Then we will automatically receive the request and apply the settings on our side(it may take some time - usually around 24-48h). As soon as they are applied your domain name starts working for the booking site. <br><br> :''If you wish to change Custom Domain name to different one from the one set before it can be done for additional price as new SSL certificates need to be created. For additional information please contact support.'' <br><br>
|description=Set up your own domain for your booking page. Strengthen your brand identity. Follow the guide to get started!
Allows creating multiple service locations and relating them with different service providers (staff members). Locations will be shown as the first step on the booking site. <br><br> <br><br> __TOC__ =How to use= 1. Enable Multiple Locations custom feature in Custom Feature section//Adding more to booking website. [[File:Multiple locations enable path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> 2. Add locations either in the settings of the Custom Feature or in Manage//Service Providers//Add location. [[File:Create new location form redesigned.png|1200px | center|link= ]]<br/> 3. Click on "Location providers" tab for corresponding location and check necessary boxes to connect service providers with location.<br/> [[File:Connect location to providers redesigned.png|1200px |center|link=]]<br/><br/> 4. (Optional) In Settings // General settings // Email and SMS settings insert the following variables into your email templates:<br/> [[File:Add location variables to notification redesigned.png|1200px | center|link= ]] <br/><br/> :'''[location]''' - value of field "Location name" :'''[location_address]''' - value of field "Location address" :'''[location_phone]''' - value of field "Location phone" :'''[location_description]''' - value of field "Location description"
|description=Manage multiple business locations from one account. Simplify scheduling across locations. Activate this feature now!
;How to use: :1. Go to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"> admin side</span>, <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">custom features</span> page and enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Line bot</span> custom feature. [[File:Line bot enable path redesigned.png|1200px| border| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to its <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">settings on the right.</span> [[File:Line bot settings redesigned.png|1200px | border| center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Log in to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[ LINE Developers page]</span> and create <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Provider</span> following the instructions listed there. [[File:Line create new provider.png | border | center]] <br><br> :4. Then create <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">new channel</span>, adding the necessary details, confirming them and agreeing to LINE Terms of Service and other required options. [[File:Line creat new channel.png | border| center]] <br><br> [[File:Line create new channel-messaging api.png | border| center]] <br><br> :5. An application will be created, please click on it to get to the channel credentials. <br><br> :6. Switch to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"> admin side</span> tab with Line Bot feature settings and copy <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Callback URL</span> from there. [[File:Line bot callback url redesigned.png|1200px | border| center|link=]] <br><br> :7. Add this url to the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Webhook URL</span> box in <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Messaging settings</span> section of <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">LINE Developers channel</span> page. [[File:Line Add calback url.png | border|center]] <br><br> :8. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Use webhooks</span>. [[File:Line enable webhooks.png |border| center]] <br><br> :9. Issue <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Channel access token (long-lived)</span> and insert it to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"> feature settings</span> to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Access token</span> box. [[File:Line issue access token.png |border|center]] <br><br> :10. Proceed to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Using LINE@ features</span> section and disable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">auto-replies</span> according to the following example. [[File:Line disable automessages.png |border| center]] <br><br> [[File:Line autoresponse settings.png | border| center]] <br><br> :11. Copy <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Channel ID</span> and <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Channel secret</span> and insert them to the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">corresponding settings boxes on side.</span> Save settings. [[File:Line-channel id and secret.png|border | center]] <br><br> [[File:Line bot secret kay and channel id redesigned.png|1200px |border| center|link=]] <br><br> :12. After bot is approved from the LINE side your clients will be able to book using it. In the meanwhile you can add testers or try your bot using LINE mobile app. <br><br> <br><br>
|description=Integrate LINE bot for automated client interactions. Enhance communication through this powerful feature. Activate now!
This Custom Feature allows you to restrict booking quantity which can be booked at the same time. This Custom Feature is useful when your services require additional things like dental chair or room in the studio etc. (Another way to restrict the number of bookings due to the limted resources is to use [[Special:MyLanguage/Related_Resources_custom_feature|Related Resources]] feature instead). When the booking limit is reached the corresponding time interval will looks like breaktime at the booking page (and in the admin interface if you haven't set to skip this restrictions for admin). It is possible to limit booking number at the same time generally, and also you can set certain limit for each service separately. <br> <br> <pre>For example, you have 2 providers and 1 room and both of your providers are available at 10.00. Each of providers is set up to serve 1 person at a time and totally, 2 people can book service at 10.00. But you need to limit that number to 1 person, because only 1 room is available. You need to enable Limit Bookings Custom Feature and set it to 1. In such way, when someone books 10.00, this time will be closed for another provider.</pre> <br><br> <span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">'''Please note!'''</span> * <span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">This feature is not compatible with[[Special:MyLanguage/Display_Remaining_Spaces| Display Remaining Spaces]]</span> * <span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">This feature is developed to limit bookings per service per time slot and doesn't allow setting restrictions on the number of bookings a client can make within a specific time period. For controlling client bookings over a certain timeframe, you can consider using [[Special:MyLanguage/Anti-Fraud/Spam Protection Custom Feature|Anti-Fraud/Spam Protection]] Custom Feature.</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable this custom feature on your Custom Features page. [[File:Limit bookings enable path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to its settings on the right if you need to limit number of bookings at a time for the whole system. [[File:Limit bookings settings path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Indicate the necessary amount in the corresponding box. <br><br> :4. If you need to set the limit for certain service please navigate to Manage//Services(Classes) page, choose More options tab and set the desired number per service/class. [[File:Limit bookings per service redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Set booking limits to control the number of appointments per client. Manage capacity effectively. Enable today!
<br><br> <span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">'''Please note!''' This feature is not compatible with <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Take_Me_Back_Home |Take me Back Home]],</span> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Telegram_Notifications_custom_feature|Telegram Notifications]]</span> and <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Online_Video_Meetings_Custom_Feature|Online Video Meetings]]</span> custom features.</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable this feature on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom features</span> page, <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Other</span> section. [[File:Kiosk enable path redesigned.png|1200px |border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Select if you wish to clear client data with each new booking, set redirect time for after booking completion and in case of inactivity on the booking site on the settings side of the page. You can also add your own url for the custom redirect if needed. [[File:Kiosk settings redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> Save your preferences and you are done! <br><br>
|description=Set up a self-service kiosk for client bookings. Simplify the check-in process. Activate this feature today!
;How to use :1. Enable Intake Forms Custom Feature in the Custom Feature//Adding more to the booking page. [[File:Intake forms enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to its management or to Manage//Intake forms page. [[File:Intake forms settings path redesinged.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Press "+" button in the settings of Custom Feature to create a new form. [[File:New intake form form redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :4. In the field "Question title" write the question you want your clients to answer. For example: Age, preferences, Do you have any health problems?, etc. :5. Choose the field type: :'''digits only''' - allows entering only numbers. Useful when you need to know the age, height or any other information that will require only digits. :'''single line''' - usually used for short answers :'''multiple lines''' - use this type of filed if you expect lengthy explanations from your clients :'''checkbox''' - creates a checkbox that clients should either check or leave unchecked. Useful for questions that require binary answer, for example "I will need additional services". :'''dropdown selection''' - creates a drop-down list with the ability to choose only 1 option. In order to create this field, you will need to create a list of values in the section "Dropdown options and default option". Also you can select the Default value that will be assigned if nothing is chosen from the list. :'''date''' - creates date selection option with calendar. :'''barcode''' - allows to scan barcodes via admin mobile application and get the values from scanning. Also allows simple text input like in single line intake forms. :'''custom HTML''' - allows to add visual dividers or additional text near the intake form. Cannot be used for client input. :'''file uploader - Google Drive''' - available if [[File Uploader - Google Drive custom feature]] is enabled. Allows file upload that you will be able to see in the dedicated folder on your Google Drive. [[File:Intake forms types redesigned.png|1200px|border ‎|center|link=]] <br><br> :6. Make it rather obligatory or not with the help of "optional" switcher. :Include the field (both title and response will be included) to client invoices if you need and if you use [[Special:MyLanguage/Accept_payments_custom_feature|Accept payments]] custom feature. :7. If you wish to relate form with certain services, choose "Services, attached to this field" tab and check the boxes near corresponding services. [[File:Connect intake form to services redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :8. If you want to include intake form information to email templates, find the intake forms variables and add them to templates in Settings//Email and SMS settings. [[File:Add notification variable to template intake form redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Create intake forms to collect client information before appointments. Personalize your booking process. Activate today!
'''How to use:''' <br> :1. To enable this custom feature please go to Custom features page and click on “Enable” near “Instagram photo sharing” option. [[File:Instagram gallery enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Then please choose “Settings” near this custom feature [[File:Insta gallery settings path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. You will get to the page where you will be able to connect your Instagram account. :Just click on “Authorization”, fill in your Instagram username and password.<br> [[File:Insta gallery auth path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link= ]] <br><br> :4. If you have many posts within your Instagram account you can set how many images to display per page. [[File:Number of posts per page redesinged.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> You have it set now and your Instagram images will be displayed on separate tab on the booking site. [[File:Instagram on booking page.png | center]]
|description=Share Instagram photos on your booking page to attract clients. Showcase your services visually. Enable this feature now!
Providers availability, total bookings, payment per provider etc <br><br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Insights</span> on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom features</span> page. [[File:Insignts enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Dashboard</span> to check the graphs and charts. [[File:Insights on dashoboard overview redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Gain valuable insights into bookings and client trends. Use this feature to make data-driven decisions. Activate now!
[[File:Import clients icon.png | left]] <br>Use this feature if you need to add the list of clients to your system with just several clicks. Simply upload a CSV file containing your clients data, then select headers for corresponding columns, and you will have an updated list of clients in your client register. <br> <span style="background-color: #26dd7d; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Free custom feature!</span> <br><br> :'''Attention!''' It is forbidden to import a client list with emails and client information where the clients have not specifically granted you the right to do so. <br> :'''Please note''' that this feature is available with Standard and Premium subscriptions only(former Advanced, Gold and Platinum).<br> :It is only possible to import 500 clients by default. If you need to import more please contact support for details. <br><br> '''How to use this option:''' :1. Enable "Import Clients" custom feature on your Custom features page: [[File:Import clients enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Prepare your Excel file. :- No text above the list of clients should be written :- Make sure all cells are correctly displayed :- Save file in .csv format with comma separation. <br><br> :3. Go to Manage//Clients//Import from CSV or simply click on "Settings" near this custom feature. [[ File:Import csv file path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Press "Choose file" and select the prepared file. [[File:Import page redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :5. Assign values to the columns from drop-down lists in the upper bar (above each column, marked with black arrows). Assign "name", "email" and "phone".<br> :(if you are using [[Special:MyLanguage/Client_Fields_Custom_Feature|Client Fields Custom Feature]] you can also import some of the forms values) [[File:Assign values to columns import redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :6. Press "Confirm clients import". :''Please note that only 10 clients will be shown in preview, but after you import, all clients will be shown.'' <br><br> ;If you can't import clients, please check the possible reasons: :1. Format of .csv file is incorrect. It should be saved in .csv with comma or tab separation.<br/> :2. There is some text above the data or unnecessary columns that prevent successful import. Please delete the text.<br/> :3. Values are not assigned. Use drop-down menus above the columns to assign values "name", "email", "phone", etc. <br><br>
|description=Import your client database into Easily transfer client details for seamless integration. Enable this feature now!
| style="width:33%;" | <div class="integration"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Integration|Integration]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/ |]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Widgets for your own website|Widgets for your own website]]</div> *<div class="article">[ Widget examples]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Bookings on Facebook |Bookings on Facebook and Instagram]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/WordPress_integration | WordPress integration]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Bookings on Facebook | Facebook CTA button and widget]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Other Integrations|Other Integrations]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Own domain | Custom Domain]]</div> |style="width:33%;" | <div class="for-developers"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/API| For developers]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/API| API documentation]]</div> *<div class="article">[ API Explorer]</div> *<div class="article">[ API tokens]</div> *<div class="article">[ API guide]</div> *<div class="article">[ REST API]</div> <br> <div class="video"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Video|Video]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[ YouTube]</div> |} </nomobile> <mobileonly> {| <div class="column"> <div class="getting-started"> <span style="font-size:x-large;"> [[Special:MyLanguage/Getting started|Getting started]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[| at a Glance]</div> *<div class="article">[ Our features]</div> *<div class="article">[ Cluster Solution]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Brief overview of the system|Brief overview of the system]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adding_services,_providers_and_availability(new_interface) | Adding services and providers]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to manage bookings|How to manage bookings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features | Selecting Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting notifications|Adjusting notifications]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adding other users to the system|Adding other users to the system]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Importing the list of clients|Importing the list of clients]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Login and password|Login and password]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How security works]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to delete account|How to delete account]]</div> *<div class="article">[[How to Cancel subscription|How to cancel subscription]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_unblock_account| How to unblock the account]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="booking-website"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Booking website|Booking website]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time slots are not showing up|Time slots are not showing up]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Where to change my info|Where to change my info]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjust_your_terminology/language | Adjusting your language]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Design |Adjusting Design & Calendar layouts]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Client_mobile_app |Client Mobile Application]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Remove Elements from booking page|Remove Elements from booking page]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Add elements to booking page|Add elements to booking page]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Intake_Forms| Ask additional questions on the Details Step]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/First_and_Last_Names| Ask for First and Last Name in separate fields]] *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Categories and Locations|Categories and Locations]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Accept_Payments| Accepting Payments]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting_client_invoices|Adjusting client invoices]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="time-settings"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time settings|Time settings]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_set_my_availability| How to set my availability]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time and date settings|Time and date settings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/I_have_clients_in_different_time_zones | Time Zones]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Break times|Break times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Need_to_change_interval_(timeframe)| Change interval]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Events (services on particular dates)|Events (services on particular dates)]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Recurring_services(packs)| Recurring services (packs)]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Buffer time|Buffer time]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Book days|Book days]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="prices-and-purchases"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Prices and purchases|Prices and purchases]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/My subscription and how to renew|My subscription and how to renew]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_get_invoice | How to get invoice]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Important for Free accounts|Important for Free accounts]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/SMS Pricing|SMS Pricing]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Additional_Bookings | Additional Bookings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Link removal and custom domain | Link Removal and Custom Domain]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Upgrade_from_lower_to_higher_subscription_before_current_subscription_expired.| Upgrade from lower to higher subscription before current subscription expires]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="custom-features"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features |Custom Features]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features | The list of all Custom Features with instructions]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to enable custom feature | How to enable Custom Feature]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features by category | Custom Features by Functionality Category]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Popular_custom_features_by_business_category | TOP 10 Custom Features per Business Category]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features dependent on other Custom Features|Custom Features dependent on other Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/What Custom Features do not work with each other|What Custom Features do not work with each other]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="calendar-and-bookings"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Calendar & Bookings|Calendar & Bookings]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to manage bookings|How to manage bookings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/ Views_of_the_calendar| Provider/Service/Day/Week/Month views]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Calendar_Notes| Using notes & Blocking times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Booking_reports| Booking reports]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Break times|Break times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting notifications|Adjusting notifications]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Calendar_Sync| Google/Outlook calendar synchronization]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_add_Google_Meet_links_to_appointments| Google Meet online appointments]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How to use admin app]</div> <div class="column"> <div class="tips-for-business"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Tips for your business | Other]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Memberships vs Packages: Choosing the Right Custom Feature for Your Business]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How to use the Marketing Suite]</div> *<div class="article">[ BooKing.Page marketplace]</div> *<div class="article">[| How to list your services on our marketplace]</div> *<div class="article">[| How to use the Marketing Suite]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Statistics_%26_Analytics| Statistics Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Business_enhancements| Business enhancement Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Tips for specific businesses|Tips for specific businesses]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/1_is_not_greater_than_2_(when_trying_to_change_number_of_clients_per_provider)| 1 is not greater than 2]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="integration"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Integration|Integration]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/ |]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Widgets for your own website|Widgets for your own website]]</div> *<div class="article">[ Widget examples]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Bookings on Facebook |Bookings on Facebook and Instagram]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/WordPress_integration | WordPress integration]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Bookings on Facebook | Facebook CTA button, widget and booking bot integrations]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Other Integrations|Other Integrations]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Own domain | Custom Domain]]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="for-developers"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/API| For developers]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/API| API documentation]]</div> *<div class="article">[ API Explorer]</div> *<div class="article">[ API tokens]</div> *<div class="article">[ API guide]</div> *<div class="article">[ REST API]</div></div> <div class="column"> <div class="video"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Video|Video]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[ YouTube]</div> *<div class="article">[ Vimeo]</div></div> |} </mobileonly>
| style="width:33%;" | <div class="custom-features"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features |Custom Features]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features | The list of all Custom Features with instructions]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to enable custom feature | How to enable Custom Feature]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features by category | Custom Features by Functionality Category]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Popular_custom_features_by_business_category | TOP 10 Custom Features per Business Category]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom Features dependent on other Custom Features|Custom Features dependent on other Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/What Custom Features do not work with each other|What Custom Features do not work with each other]]</div> | style="width:33%;" | <div class="calendar-and-bookings"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Calendar & Bookings|Calendar & Bookings]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to manage bookings|How to manage bookings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/ Views_of_the_calendar| Provider/Service/Day/Week/Month views]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Calendar_Notes| Using notes & Blocking times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Booking_reports| Booking reports]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Break times|Break times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting notifications|Adjusting notifications]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Calendar_Sync| Google/Outlook calendar synchronization]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_add_Google_Meet_links_to_appointments| Google Meet online appointments]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How to use admin app]</div> <br> |- style="height:220px; vertical-align:top;" | style="width:33%;" | <div class="tips-for-business"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Tips for your business | Other]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Memberships vs Packages: Choosing the Right Custom Feature for Your Business]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How to use the Marketing Suite]</div> *<div class="article">[ BooKing.Page marketplace]</div> *<div class="article">[| How to list your services on our marketplace]</div> *<div class="article">[| How to use the Marketing Suite]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Statistics_%26_Analytics| Statistics Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Business_enhancements| Business enhancement Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Tips for specific businesses|Tips for specific businesses]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/1_is_not_greater_than_2_(when_trying_to_change_number_of_clients_per_provider)| 1 is not greater than 2]]</div>
<nomobile> <br/> {| |- style="height:280px; vertical-align:top;" | style="width:33%;" | <div class="getting-started"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Getting started|Getting started]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[| at a Glance]</div> *<div class="article">[ Our features]</div> *<div class="article">[ Cluster Solution]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Brief overview of the system|Brief overview of the system]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adding_services,_providers_and_availability(new_interface) | Adding services and providers]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to manage bookings|How to manage bookings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features | Selecting Custom Features]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting notifications|Adjusting notifications]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adding other users to the system|Adding other users to the system]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Importing the list of clients|Importing the list of clients]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Login and password|Login and password]]</div> *<div class="article">[ How security works]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How to delete account|How to delete account]]</div> *<div class="article">[[How to Cancel subscription|How to cancel subscription]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_unblock_account| How to unblock the account]]</div> <br> |style="width:33%;" | <div class="booking-website"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Booking website|Booking website]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time slots are not showing up|Time slots are not showing up]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Where to change my info|Where to change my info]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjust_your_terminology/language | Adjusting your language]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Design |Adjusting Design & Calendar layouts]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Client_mobile_app |Client Mobile Application]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Remove Elements from booking page|Remove Elements from booking page]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Add elements to booking page|Add elements to booking page]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Intake_Forms| Ask additional questions on the Details Step]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/First_and_Last_Names| Ask for First and Last Name in separate fields]] *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Categories and Locations|Categories and Locations]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Accept_Payments| Accepting Payments]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Adjusting_client_invoices|Adjusting client invoices]]</div> | style="width:33%;" | <div class="time-settings"> <span style="font-size:x-large;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time settings|Time settings]]</span></div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_set_my_availability| How to set my availability]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Time and date settings|Time and date settings]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/I_have_clients_in_different_time_zones | Time Zones]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Break times|Break times]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Need_to_change_interval_(timeframe)| Change interval]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Events (services on particular dates)|Events (services on particular dates)]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Recurring_services(packs)| Recurring services (packs)]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Buffer time|Buffer time]]</div> *<div class="article">[[Special:MyLanguage/Book days|Book days]]</div>
|description=Visit the Help Center for detailed guides, FAQs, and troubleshooting assistance. Get the help you need!
Allows inserting HTML formatting (background and font color, bold, italic, underline, alignment and other HTML elements) for Service, Service Providers, Locations and Categories description fields. <br><br><br> <span style="background-color: #26dd7d; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Free custom feature!</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable this functionalitty on your Custom Features page. [[File:Html description enable path redesigned.png|1200px| border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to Manage section using left-side menu and select Services/Providers/Classes/Memberships/Products for sale depending on which item do you wish to add/edit description to. <br> :Select the item and the first tab with name and details. <br> :Edit the description and save settings [[File:Service description path redesigned.png|1200px| border|center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Add detailed HTML descriptions to your events. Enhance visibility and client understanding. Activate this feature now!
<br> [[File:Hipaa new icon.png ‎|left]] <br> Available with Standard and Premium(former Gold and Platinum) subscriptions. <br><br> The personal information custom feature is designed to help [] users to protect their client's and patient's data. It does not replace user's own security procedures but enhances [] data security by using double authentication during login process for all users who access the system (users need to register their mobile phone number to receive authentication code SMS(you need SMS credits for this) or connect [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Google_Authenticator | Google Authenticator]] using corresponding custom feature). This custom feature includes a “Timeout” setting which automatically logs user out to reduce the risk of unauthorized users accessing the system.<br> The system blocks all access for [ SimplyBook] support personnel further reducing access by unrelated people to the system. It is possible to further reduce exposure of personal information to unauthorized people by using the [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Clean_History | Clean History custom feature]]. This way old data gets deleted and is therefore not accessible. <br><br> '''Please note!''' *This custom feature does NOT replace the [] user's own security controls which also need to be in place for client and patient data protection. Please refer to relevant documentation in your country and get assistance from qualified advisors in the field of client/patient data protection. *[service] and [client] variables in notification templates do not work when this Custom Feature is enabled due to security reasons. *It is not possible to connect the account to [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Zapier_Connector | Zapier]] if you are using HIPAA feature. *It is not possible to use HIPAA with [[Special:MyLanguage/API custom feature|API custom feature]]. *This custom feature cannot be enabled without [[Special:MyLanguage/Google_Authenticator_custom_feature| Google Authenticator custom feature]]. <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable HIPAA features on your Custom Features page. :''When you enable this feature [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#SSL| SSL custom feature]] and [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Google_Authenticator | Google Authenticator]] will be enabled as well to add security to client side.'' [[File:Hipaa enable path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to its settings on the right to set timeout period and email address to be notified about new log ins. [[File:Hipaa settings path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Add phone numbers for your users in Manage//Users//select the user//User details. [[File:Add phone to user redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Set up and validate main admin Google Authenticator in Manage//Users//select the user//Google Authenticator.<br> :(download the app to your phone from Google Play or App Store if you do not have it yet,<br> :scan QR-code with Google Authenticator application on your smartphone, enter the code you see in the app and click on "Connect" button.) [[File:Connect google auth steps redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :5. Validate main admin phone number to have a backup tw-step authentication method. <br><br> ;How to validate phone number :1. Please navigate to Manage//Users//main admin user//User details.<br> :Click on "Generate a check-code to validate phone" button under the phone number field. [[File:Generate check code hipaa redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. You will receive sms with the code, enter the code into the "Validation code" field and press "Confirm the check-code". <br><br> :3. Get a success message that the code is confirmed. [[File:Phone validate status redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :As a one more backup method you can download the file with one-time codes for two-step authentication in "Google Authenticator" tab on Manage//Users page. [[File:Create one time codes ga redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br><br><br>
|description=Ensure your booking system is HIPAA-compliant for healthcare clients. Protect sensitive data. Enable this feature today!
__FORCETOC__ =How to use= :1. Make sure that the Service provider is set able to accept X many clients at same time(or more depending on your needs). For this go Manage//Service Providers//select necessary provider//Service provider details//How many clients can this provider serve at same time? and set the X number of clients. [[File:Number of clients per provider redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Activate Group Bookings custom feature on your Custom features page [[File:Group bookings enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Go to its settings on the right. [[File:Group bookings setings block redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Here you can specify how many people can be booked in same booking, by same client and edit notification templates related to this feature below. [[File:Min max group bookings redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :(optional) You can additionally indicate minimum number of allowed group bookings if it is required for your services and as the result the clients will not be able to select the lower number of sessions on the service step of the booking process.<br< :It is possible to set this minimum number for all the services you have. Then please do that in Custom features -> Group bookings -> right side of the page -> Min allowed bookings at a time <br><br> :Or you can define some number per service/class in Manage -> Services/Classes -> select the service/class -> More options -> Min allowed bookings at a time [[File:Group bookings per service minimum redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> =How will it look like on the booking page:= <br> :The clients will be able to use the arrows to choose the number of participants(the look may differ depending on the theme you have). [[File:Group bookings min max client side.png|1200px|border‎| center]] <br><br>
Group bookings is useful when you need your customers to be able to book appointment or reservation for many individuals at the same time. This Custom Feature creates a selection menu with the number of participants in the group. With this Custom Feature you can also use [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Accept_Payments | payment custom feature]] at the same time so that the total payment for all participants will be paid in one payment at time of check-out even though only the group leader/organizer is registered. If you are using [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Service_Add-ons | Service Add-Ons]] feature, number of items will also be multiplied to the number of participants selected. <br><br>
|description=Allow group bookings for classes or events. Manage multiple attendees with ease. Activate this feature today!
[[File:Google translate.png | left]] <br>Need to show your booking website in several languages for your clients' convenience? Now we have Google Translate custom feature that makes is possible. It allows you to add Google Translate’s automatic translation to your booking website and each client will be able to choose the language convenient for them. <br><br> ;How to use :1. To enable this option navigate to Custom Features//Adding more to the Booking Website. [[File:Google translate enable path redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. To access available options for this functionality click on "Settings" button. [[File:Google translate settings path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Check the boxes with languages you wish your clients to be able to choose on the booking website. [[File:Google translate langs options redesinged.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Select the view mode to your taste. [[File:Google translate view mode setting redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :5. Save settings. Everything is ready to use! Here is how it can look like on your booking page using one of the themes. [[File:Google translate client side.png|1200px|border| center]] <br><br> One more translation possibility using third-party service [ here] <br><br>
|description=Enable Google Translate for your booking page. Offer multilingual options for a global audience. Learn more here!
[[File:Google tag manager icon.png | left]] <br>This feature allows to manage tracking and marketing optimization JavaScript tags on your site. You can add and update AdWords, Google Analytics, Floodlight, and non-Google tags. <br><br> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]]</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable Google Tag Manager custom feature in your Custom features section. [[File:Google tag manager enable path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Sign up for a [ Google tag manager site] <br> :3.  Create a new container and set it up. <br> :4. Insert the container ID on the admin page -> Custom features -> Google Tag Manager -> on the right side. [[File:Google tag manager settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> Useful links: *[[Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal|Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal]] *[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]] <br><br>
|description=Use Google Tag Manager to track client interactions on your booking page. Optimize your analytics. Activate now!
1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Google Reviews</span> on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page, <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Marketing</span> section [[File:Google reviews enable path redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br> <br> 2. Click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Connect</span> button and <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">attach the corresponding Google business profile.</span> [[File:Google reviews connect path redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br> <br> 3. Select <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">the business location</span> in the first field. [[File:Google reviews connected redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br> <br> 4. (optional) Choose the preferable sorting. <br> <br> 5. And that's it - the reviews widget appears on the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Home page</span> of your booking website. [[File:Google reviews client side.png|1200px|center|link=]] [[File:Google reviews client side open.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br> <br>
|description=Display Google Reviews directly on your booking page. Build trust and attract more clients. Enable this feature today!
<br><br> ;How to use: :1. Add and verify your Google Business location(s) either via <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"> platform(previous part of this tutorial)</span> or using your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Google Business interface</span> and re-save it(them) in <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Google Business custom feature settings.</span> [[File:Google business existing locations redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Reserve on google maps</span> tab and move the switcher <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Synchronization with Reserve with Google</span> to an active position. [[File:Reserve with google enable path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :3. (optional) If you use <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Multiple_Locations|Multiple Locations]]</span> custom feature, connect your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Google Businesses</span> to desired <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"> locations.</span> :<span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">'''Please note!''' It is possible to connect one location to one Google Business.</span> :<span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">If you do not use <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Multiple_Locations|Multiple Locations]]</span> your main company location can be connected to one Google Business.</span> [[File:Reserve with google select location redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :4. <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Save</span> settings. Now the sync takes place and after you <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">reload the page</span> it will be possible to see the list of services that will be passed to Reserve with Google for booking. :By default we gather all the information and pass the update to Google once a day, but you can use <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Update info</span> button to prepare the information for transfer manually if any settings changes in your account(for example, if you have created new service) were made. [[File:Reserve with google list of services redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> <br><br>
:1. Enable this custom feature on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page. [[File:Google business enable path redesigned.png|1200px | border| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> to create Google Business account if you do not have one yet, or connect already existing Google Business account. [[File:Google business settings path redesigned.png|1200px | border| center|link=]] <br><br> [[File:Google business account.png|border| center]] <br><br> :3. Give the necessary permissions so that it will be possible to see and edit your location(s) in <br><br> :4. If you already have some locations in Google Business you will be able to see them on the left side of the page. [[File:Google business existing locations redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :5. Just click on one of them if you need to make some edits and enable the option <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Update address in the profile</span>, make the necessary changes and re-save the location for the information to be updated on Google side [[File:Existing google business location info redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :or choose <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">+</span> option to add a new business address. [[File:Add new google business location redesigned.png|1200px | border| center|link=]] <br><br> :6. After you have added the address, click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Save and Close</span> and you will have the possibility to proceed to the business location verification on Google side(it may take some time). <br> :You can also close the pop-up and get back to the verification step later(there will be <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Verify now</span> button for each saved and synced business location). <br> :As soon as your location is verified by Google(you will see the verification process steps while following Google instuctions) your business will appear in search and on Google Maps. [[File:Verification link google business redesined.png|1200px| border| center|link=]] <br><br> :7. When you save the location the following information is passed to Google about your company: :*business location title; :*company working hours; :*company phone number; :*booking site link; :*business category(as Google categories differ the best matching one will be found). [[File:Google business location info.png |border| center]] <br><br> :<span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">'''Please note''', if you have changed some of these details in your account you will need to re-save the business location in Google Business feature settings for the details to be updated on Google side.</span> <br><br> :8. You can also edit your business location details on Google side if necessary. Simply click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Edit on GMB</span> button at the top(appears for saved and synced locations). [[File:Google business edit on google path redesigned.png|1200px |border| center|link=]] <br><br> :9. If some location(s) become not relevant for your business anymore you can easily delete them in this feature settings. Just click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Delete on GMB</span> option. [[File:Google business delete on google redesigned.png|1200px |border|center|link=]] <br><br> =Reserve with Google=
|description=Integrate with Google My Business to display booking options in search results. Attract more clients. Activate now!
:2. Open “Account info” page by clicking on your username in the left-side menu and follow the links there to download the application if you have not done this before. [[File:Account infor page download app2.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Click on “Connect/Change” link, scan the code, enter the code you get and save settings. [[File:Account info page connect 2fa redesigned2.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :4. From now you will login in more secure way! <br><br> :Login process will look like as follows: :- open site or direct link as<br> :- fill in all necessary details and password<br> :- enter 6-digits code from Google Authenticator feature <br><br>
''If you plan to allow your employees to be able to connect themselves please create them as users beforehand and allow them to login without 2-step authentication in Custom features//Google authenticator//Settings//Settings.'' [[File:Google auth allow to login without 2fa redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
[[File:Google authenticator.png |left]] <br> Add security to your account. You can use a 2-step authentication when logging into your account preventing unauthorized access. Upon entering password, you'll be asked to insert 6-digit login code from your Google authenticator or a 3rd party app.<br> You can use this custom feature with or without HIPAA feature depending on your needs and business requirements. <br><br> :'''Please note!''' In case you have this feature enabled our support agents will not be able to access your account settings. :As well it will not be possible to connect the account to [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Zapier_Connector | Zapier]]. <br> __TOC__ =How to use it as admin user= <br> :1. Open “Custom features” page using left-side menu of your admin interface and find “Security & Data Protection” section. Just click on “Enable” near “Google authenticator” [[File:Google authenticator enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. To set 2-step authentication please go to Manage//Users using left-side menu or click on ”Set up 2-step authentication” near this custom feature. [[File:Google auth setup 2fa path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :3. On Manage//Users page click on “+” and create all desired system users to be able to connect each to 2-step authentication. [[File:Create new user path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Download “Google Authenticator” application from Google Play or App Store. You can just scan QR-code in Manage//Users//select the user//Google Authenticator and immediately get to application page. [[File:Install google auth app redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :5. In the same section scan QR-code with Google Authenticator application on your smartphone, enter the code you see in the app and click on "Connect" button. [[File:Connect google auth steps redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :6. All done! This user can now log in in more secure way! <br><br> :Login process will look like as follows: :- open site or direct link as<br> :- fill in all necessary details and password<br> :- enter 6-digits code from Google Authenticator feature [[File:Google auth login page redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Add an extra layer of security with Google Authenticator. Protect your account with two-factor authentication. Activate today!
<code> <!- Event snippet for Testing conversion page -><br> <script><br> gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-XXXXXXXXX/YYYYYYYY-YYYYYYYYYYY'});<br> </script> </code> <br> where XXXXXXXXX is your conversion id(google_conversion_id value) and <br> YYYYYYYY-YYYYYYYYYYY is conversion label(google_conversion_label value) <br> :7. Use these details to add to the corresponding fields of this custom feature settings. <br> [[File:Google analytics settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> Useful links: *[[Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal|Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal]] *[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]] <br><br>
Use the Google Analytics Custom Feature to see how many customers visit your site both on an everyday basis and during promotion campaigns. Use the adwords analytics to count how many actually book after clicking an adwords advertisement. <br><br><br> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]]</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable "Google Adwords and Analytics" feature on your Custom Features page. [[File:Google analytics enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to the settings on the right. [[File:Google analytics settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Fill in the boxes with the corresponding information. <br><br>
|description=Link Google Ads and Analytics to track performance and bookings. Gain valuable insights for better campaigns. Enable now!
;How to use :1. Go to Custom Features//Booking related section, find Flexible Notifications Custom Feature and press "Enable". [[File:Flexible notofocations enable path.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Click on "Manage" near this feature. [[File:Flexible notifications settings path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :3. On the page you see press "New flexible template settings". [[File:New flexible template settings path redesigned.png|1200px| center|link=]] <br><br> :4. In the new template select services and/or select providers that the customized templates will be applied to. Then select the notification type to add/change template and edit the text. Please use variables on the right to include to your templates if necessary. [[File:Flexible notifications templates list redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
|description=Customize notifications to suit your needs. Send timely updates and reminders. Enable this feature now!
1. Enable this option on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom features</span> page -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Adding more to the Booking Website</span> category. [[File:File upload enable path redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> 2. On the right side of the page you will see it settings. Click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Authorize</span> to connect to your Google Drive and give the requested permissions. [[File:File uploader auth path redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> 3. After successful connection you will be able to see its status and use the link to the files folder on your Google Drive from the same Custom Features page. [[File:File upload authorized redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> 4. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Intake_Forms_custom_feature|Intake forms]]</span> or <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Client_Fields_Custom_Feature|Client fields]]</span> (or enable one or both features if needed) and create <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">File Uploader - Google Drive</span> form. Make it obligatory or not depending on your needs. [[File:File type for intake form redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> 5. After you have created the desired forms the clients will be able to upload their files during the booking process <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">([[Special:MyLanguage/Intake_Forms_custom_feature|Intake forms]])</span> [[File:Cloud storage client side booking form.png|1200px|center]] <br><br> or sign up <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">([[Special:MyLanguage/Client_Fields_Custom_Feature|Client fields]])</span> [[File:Cloud storage client side sign up.png|1200px|center]] <br><br> 6. From admin side you will be able to see and download the files either <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">in the booking popup</span> on the Calendar page if it is an <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Intake_Forms_custom_feature|intake form]]</span> [[File:View file in intake form in booking redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> or from <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Clients</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">edit the client record</span> if you have it as a <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Client_Fields_Custom_Feature|client field]].</span> [[File:Client filed file in client profile redesigned.png|1200px|center|link=]] <br><br> And, for sure, you will be able to manually upload the files during the new booking or client record creation/editing from admin side if necessary. <br><br> 7. If you are also using <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/SOAP_with_Encryption_custom_feature| SOAP with Encryption]]</span> custom feature you can also enable attaching the file in the SOAP feature settings on your Custom Features page. [[File:Attach files to soap enable redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> As the result you will have the corresponding form in <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Manage</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Clients</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">SOAP info</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Attach a file.</span> [[File:File in soap in edit clirent form redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br><br><br>
|description=Upload and store files directly to Google Drive during bookings. Organize documents effortlessly. Activate now!
<br><br> :1. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Facebook & Instagram Bookings</span> -> <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> on side. [[File:Fb and insta settinfs path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Logout</span> at the top of the page. [[File:Fb and insta bookings logout path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br>
<br><br> :1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Facebook & Instagram Bookings</span> custom feature on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page. [[File:Fb and insta bookings enable path redesigned.png|1200px| border| center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Login to your Facebook/Instagram business account(s) in another browser tab. <br><br> :3. Go back to interface and click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Settings</span> near <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Facebook & Instagram Bookings.</span> [[File:Fb and insta settinfs path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :4. Click on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Connect with Facebook</span> button on the page you see. [[File:Fb and insta bookings connect button redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :5. You will be redirected to <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Facebook</span> interface to manage the permissions and connection to<br> :Please follow the steps 1-5 displayed below.<br> :(If you have Instagram business profile connected to your Facebook business page you will be able to connect it there as well <br> :and <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Book</span> button will automatically appear there) [[File:Facebook and insta new steps.png|border|center]] <br><br> :6. Now you will have your services shown on your Facebook page with <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Book</span> buttons next to them or <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Book now</span> button under the page banner that will redirect your clients to your booking site.<br> :(the representation options depend on your Facebook business page) [[File:Facebook and insta new result.png|border|center]] <br><br> :7. You can also add booking option to your Facebook page posts so that the customers will be able to quickly book your services. [[File:Facebook and insta new add booking to post.png|border|center]] <br><br> <br><br> <br><br> <br><br>
|description=Enable bookings directly on Facebook and Instagram. Make it easier for clients to book your services. Learn more here!
<span style="background-color:#ffe9e9; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">'''Please Note!''' This custom feature is not compatible with <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Facebook_and_Instagram_Bookings |Facebook and Instagram Bookings]]</span></span> <br><br> <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]]</span> <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Facebook Pixel</span> on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page, <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Statistics and Analytics</span> section. [[File:Facebook pixel enable path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Navigate to <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[ Data Sources on your Facebook business page]</span> and either select the previously selected pixel or <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Additional_tips#Create_Facebook_pixel|create a new one]]</span> by clicking on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Connect data sources</span> button. <br><br> :3. Copy 16-digit <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">pixel code.</span> [[File:Facebook copy pixel code.png|1200px|border|center]] <br><br> :4. Paste it to the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Pixel ID</span> field on <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;"></span> side. Save settings. [[File:Facebook pixel settings path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :5. (optional) You can <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">test events</span> using the corresponding tab on your Facebook business page.<br> :Simply paste your booking website url there, navigate to it and go through the pages to create the activity. :View the urls, events and their parameters. It is possible to see simple pageviews, schedule and purchase events. [[File:Facebook test events.png|1200px|border|center]]<br><br> [[File:Facebook event example.png|1200px|border|center]]<br><br> :6. In the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Overview</span> Facebook tab you will be able to see the real events with the details in parameters. [[File:Facebook events parameters.png|1200px|border|center]]<br><br><br><br> Useful links: *[[Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal|Cookie Banners: Essentials and Tips for Removal]] *[[Special:MyLanguage/Analytics tools integration guide|Analytics tools integration guide]] <br><br>
|description=Track client activity with Facebook Pixel integration. Improve targeting and optimize ads. Enable this feature now!
:1. Enable <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">External Booking Validator</span> custom feature on your <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page, <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Other</span> section. [[File:External booking validator enable path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Create your own validation script with your own desired conditions.<br> :For example, you may require certain client answers to one or several <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[[Special:MyLanguage/Intake_Forms_custom_feature|intake forms]]</span> for the booking to be submitted to your system. <br><br> :3. Insert your script to this feature <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">settings</span> on the <span style="background-color:#d4f8e5; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">Custom Features</span> page and save. [[File:External booking validator settings path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :Script example is available <span style="background-color:#cdeffc; padding:5px; border-radius:5px;">[ here].</span> <br><br><br><br>
|description=Validate external bookings seamlessly with this custom feature. Ensure appointments are secure and accurate. Learn how to enable it here!
[[File:Seats left icon.png|left]]<br><br>Show how many spaces are left when you accept multiple clients per slot, such as for classes and events. You can also choose to show the total number of spaces as well as the number of spaces left. <br><br> <br><br> '''Please note!''' *This feature is not compatible with [[Special:MyLanguage/Limit_Bookings_custom_feature|Limit Bookings]]; *Works for the following [[Special:MyLanguage/How_to_change_the_way_time_slots_are_shown#Calendar_Layouts|calendar layouts]] only: slots weekly, modern, weekly and daily classes, modern provider. *The time blocked by [[Special:MyLanguage/Calendar_Sync_custom_feature|Calendar sync]] does not influence the number of timeslots. <br><br> :Video tutorial available [[File:Youtube-Logo.png|link=]] <br><br> ;How to use :1. Enable Display Remaining Spaces in your Custom Features section. [[File:Display remaining spaces enable path redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :2. (optional) Enable the corresponding option to display the total number of spaces along with the remaining ones. [[File:Display remaining spaces setting redesigned.png|1200px|border|center|link=]] <br><br> :3. As the result the clients will be able to see the number of the spaces left per each timeslot(and total if "Show the total number of spaces per slot" is enabled). [[File:Display slots left client side.png|1200px|border|center]] <br><br> <br><br>
;How to use :1. Enable this feature on your Custom Features page. [[File:Daily report enable path redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Go to the settings on the right to manage the available options. [[File:Daily report settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. Adjust the preferences and save. <br><br> :The system will send the corresponding report to your company email address that you have indicated in Settings//Company information//Basic information. [[File:Daily report.png | border| center]] <br><br>
|description=Receive daily reports on bookings, cancellations, and other key stats. Stay informed with automatic updates. Activate now!
:1. Click on “+” icon at the top and choose “Add link to menu bar” option. [[File:Add custom links redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :2. Add the title you wish to show in the booking page header to “Custom link text to display” field and indicate the link itself in the corresponding field. [[File:Custom link main settings redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br> :3. You can also choose whether the link should be opened in the new browser tab or in the same one. <br> :For this please choose “''self''” if you wish the page to be opened in the same tab or “''blank''” if you wish to be opened in the separate tab in the “Choose how link will be opened” setting. [[File:Custom link blank or self redesigned.png|1200px | center|link=]] <br><br>
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