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NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)<br><br>
*'''Service providers'''. Shows columns with service providers and bookings/notes assigned to each service provider in the corresponding column.<br/><br>
*'''Services'''. Shows columns with services and bookings/notes assigned to each service in the corresponding column.<br/><br>
*'''Timeline'''. same as Service providers, but in horizontal view. Easier when there are multiple service providers. <br/><br>
*'''Day'''. Shows bookings/notes for all service providers for current day, schedule is built according to times in company's opening hours (use arrows to navigate to previous/next day). To easily distinguish bookings by different providers you can use [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Provider.27s_Color_Coding| Provider's Color Coding Custom Feature]] <br/><br>
*'''Week'''. Shows bookings/notes for all service providers for current week, schedule is built according to times in company's opening hours (use arrows to navigate to previous/next week). To easily distinguish bookings by different providers you can use [[Special:MyLanguage/Custom_Features#Provider.27s_Color_Coding| Provider's  Color Coding Custom Feature]] <br/><br>
*'''Month'''. Shows bookings/notes for all service providers for current month (use arrows to navigate to previous/next month).<br/><br>
[[File:Calendar views v3.png | center ]]