Adding users to your account is a simple process that allows you to grant appropriate access rights to different team members based on their responsibilities and needs within the platform.

Please note! The functionalities and range of user roles might be modified and extended in future development versions of

To add a new user, do the following:

1. Go to -> Users section > Click on Users.
2. Click on the New User button.
3. Create User Profile: input Login, Name, Email address, Phone number, and select the user Role.
4. Once a profile is created the user will receive the invitation email and will be able to set his/get first password as well as 2-factor authentication.

Please note! Each user's email address must be unique. It is not possible to create more than one user with the same email address.

User Roles

System User: The profile of the main admin of the account. Possesses all access levels Admin has, and additionally includes the rights to manage and block other system users with the Admin rights.

Admin: Administrators have the highest access level, enabling them to configure settings, manage user roles, initiate transactions, and oversee the entire financial ecosystem within SBPay. They have access to dashboard statistics, payments, invoices, recurring profiles, customer payment methods, and can create payment requests. Admins also manage company profiles, payment processors, taxes, custom features, and reports. They have the capability to create other system users and view the action logs of all the other users. Additionally, Admins have access to API Keys Authentication token, and Secret Key.

Please note! Admin and can not change any details associated with the System User role as well as block the System User profile.

Accountant: Accountants have access to sales sections, payments, invoices, recurring profiles, customer payment methods, and the ability to create payment requests. They can view their own user profile, manage taxes (including adding new ones), access tax reports, customer reports, and subscription metrics.

Junior Accountant: Junior Accountants have moderate access to the dashboard and sales section Can create payment requests, view and manage their own user profile. Also, have view only access to the taxes section within SBPay.

Viewer: Viewers have limited access, allowing them to view sales sections (payments, invoices, recurring profiles, customer payment methods), tax settings, tax reports, customer reports, and subscription metrics. They can only view information from these sections without the ability to make changes.

Viewer without Personal Info Access: Similar to the Viewer role, this user can access the same settings but is restricted from viewing client details.

Admin/System User Accountant Junior Accountant Viewer Viewer without Personal Info Access
Dashboard Access

View Only
View Only

View Only
View Only

View Only
View Only
Recurring profiles

View Only
View Only
Customer payment methods

View Only
View Only
Create payment requests

Manage user profiles
Own only
Own only
Own only
Own only
Manage company profile

Payment processors

Tax management

View Only
View Only
View Only
Custom features


View Only
View Only
Tag groups

User activity logs

API keys