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Flexible Notifications custom feature

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Flexible notifications new icon.png

The Flexible Notifications Custom Feature allows you to customize messages per service, per provider or using a combination of services and providers. It means that certain service can have a message different from the general outgoing reminder message for other services. A certain provider may also want to include different instructions for clients who book a certain service. The Flexible Notifications Custom Feature gives you all the flexibility that you may need in such instances!

Please note! This custom feature is available with paid subscriptions only.

How to use
1. Go to Custom Features//Booking related section, find Flexible Notifications Custom Feature and press "Enable".
Flexible notofocations enable path.png

2. Click on "Manage" near this feature.
Flexible notifications settings path redesigned.png

3. On the page you see press "New flexible template settings".
New flexible template settings path redesigned.png

4. In the new template select services and/or select providers that the customized templates will be applied to. Then select the notification type to add/change template and edit the text. Please use variables on the right to include to your templates if necessary.
Flexible notifications templates list redesigned.png