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Line bot custom feature

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Line bot.png

The Line Bot custom feature allows your clients to book your services via Line messenger and it also works in Line mobile app. The booking bot connects with your schedule at and guides your client throughout the booking process.

Supports service categories, multiple locations, intake forms, online payments(but taxes are not calculated), client login(but without client address).

Please note:

  • In service/provider/category/location descriptions limited number of symbols can be displayed.
  • In intake forms drop-down options no more than 20 symbols can be displayed.
  • It is not possible to hide images on the booking steps.

How to use
1. Go to admin side, custom features page and enable Line bot custom feature.
Line bot enable path redesigned.png

2. Navigate to its settings on the right.
Line bot settings redesigned.png

3. Log in to LINE Developers page and create Provider following the instructions listed there.
Line create new provider.png

4. Then create new channel, adding the necessary details, confirming them and agreeing to LINE Terms of Service and other required options.
Line creat new channel.png

Line create new channel-messaging api.png

5. An application will be created, please click on it to get to the channel credentials.

6. Switch to admin side tab with Line Bot feature settings and copy Callback URL from there.
Line bot callback url redesigned.png

7. Add this url to the Webhook URL box in Messaging settings section of LINE Developers channel page.
Line Add calback url.png

8. Enable Use webhooks.
Line enable webhooks.png

9. Issue Channel access token (long-lived) and insert it to feature settings to Access token box.
Line issue access token.png

10. Proceed to Using LINE@ features section and disable auto-replies according to the following example.
Line disable automessages.png

Line autoresponse settings.png

11. Copy Channel ID and Channel secret and insert them to the corresponding settings boxes on side. Save settings.
Line-channel id and secret.png

Line bot secret kay and channel id redesigned.png

12. After bot is approved from the LINE side your clients will be able to book using it. In the meanwhile you can add testers or try your bot using LINE mobile app.