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Revision as of 16:37, 4 September 2015 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque est ipsum, gravida eu nisl ac, aliquam placerat ligula. Ut interdum, velit eget porta blandit, massa augue vestibulum nulla, sit amet suscipit quam diam ut est. Nunc pretium magna vel massa eleifend volutpat. Praesent mattis ipsum vitae posuere imperdiet. Pellentesque vulputate a nibh et ultrices. Proin ac imperdiet nulla. Curabitur ut congue magna. Maecenas egestas egestas blandit. Vestibulum laoreet non erat a rutrum. Praesent sit amet justo risus.

Typical requests

Mauris in volutpat augue. Fusce nec suscipit mauris, ac euismod urna. Nunc fringilla ultricies est vitae sodales. Nam interdum ultrices porttitor. Curabitur fermentum accumsan ligula. Aliquam luctus lacus suscipit dui cursus gravida. Fusce in velit sit amet erat hendrerit blandit. Nullam tristique massa purus, in mattis metus pellentesque vitae. Vivamus porttitor, libero a euismod blandit, nunc ante aliquam enim, at blandit sapien lacus non nulla. Nullam consectetur nunc gravida, consequat sem nec, luctus turpis. Duis a libero in lacus bibendum vulputate. Ut tristique, felis vel faucibus tincidunt, dui nibh porta ante, eget bibendum ante metus ut ipsum. Etiam augue quam, venenatis in porta a, rutrum et nibh.

Nullam aliquet tempor elit, id dictum nunc tempor ut. Praesent nisl urna, gravida ut placerat ut, gravida in turpis. Mauris ut justo metus. In et leo vel justo elementum egestas ultrices ut neque. Praesent pulvinar finibus volutpat. Curabitur lacinia egestas magna, at consectetur metus suscipit nec. Etiam posuere convallis massa, sed faucibus ligula aliquet id. Sed nunc odio, venenatis at tellus a, feugiat commodo metus. Sed suscipit hendrerit nunc, eget molestie ex porta eu. Sed eget metus consequat, suscipit mauris ut, consectetur ex.

I cannot change timeframe

1) some time units (service duration, breaktimes, opening hours and special days – begin/end time) don’t divide by new timeframe;

2) there was service provider (now deleted) with opening hours that don’t fit new timeframe.

Plugin doesn’t work / Plugin problems

1) subscription is expired and plugins are disabled;

2) number of activated plugins exceed amount allowed by subscription; please disable extra plugins;

3) no settings were inserted.

Simplybook doesn’t sync with Google calendar

1) please, notice that synchronization could take up to 10 mins;

2) if Google updates calendar app, press “Export” button again to sync;

3) wrong calendar was chosen (in Plugins // Plugins // Google calendar sync // Settings);

4) Google calendar events should be marked as “busy” for correct synchronization.

Clients/Providers didn’t get Email/SMS notification

1) Go Settings // Email/SMS Settings and check ticks in corresponding boxes;

2) Check Spam folder;

3) Incorrect email of the client or service provider;

Divide 2S1SP bookings between SP / Transfer made bookings to another Service Provider

1) Create 2nd SP and connect him/her to 2nd service;

2) Manually transfer

Can’t book a certain time/date

1) The provider can serve only 1 (x) person at a time

2) Check min time before reservation

3) Check client’s time

4) Inconsistency with opening hours/ working time of the service provider

5) Check special days

6) Check Google Calendar

7) Change timeline

Requests that deal with prices

1. Skip show mobile application advertisement on booking pages - Gold or Platinum

2. Link removed from Iframe (white label) - Gold or Platinum

3. Our logo and link removed from email templates - Gold or Platinum

How to count sms credit

2.3 /country’s price * American price

e.x 2.3/0.0229*0.0052 = 0.5222


Zap tutorial SimplyBook and Gmail

We are often asked how to send confirmation email to more than one email address. It may be needed if client has an agent or if some other people need to receive confirmation letters for clients or service providers. Now this option becomes available with our new application on Zapier!

Adding new field in Additional fields Settings.
Additional fields list.
Connect SimplyBook to Zapier.
SimplyBook account is working.
Gmail account is working.
Send notification if only provider exists in the system.
Match SimplyBook to Gmail.
Enter notification text.
Test Zap.
Enter Zap name and run it.
Zap list.

Firstly, create an additional field for the 2nd recipient in admin Simplybook app with the help of “Additional Fields” plugin.

After creating an additional filed, you will see the variable name. In the picture, it is additional_field_2 (but it can be additional_field_1, additional_field_3…). This variable will contain the alternative email address needed for synchronization with Gmail. Then create a test booking on your Simplybook booking page. It is needed to notify the system that the new additional field was created in the system and is ready for further usage.

When Simplybook preparations are over, it is time to switch to Zapier settings. If you don’t have Zapier account yet, please register and add Simplybook to your list of applications. Detailed instructions, invitation link and examples are here . After that, press “Make a New Zap”.

Next, you will need to connect your SimplyBook account.

Verify your Simplybook account.

Connect and verify your Gmail account.

You can filter SimplyBook events if needed.

In “Match up Simplybook booking to Gmail Email” select recipients of notification and select the variable of your recently created additional field. Please note, that your client will receive 2 email notifications, one from Simplibook (sent immediately) and one from Zapier (is sent in 5 minutes after booking). You may disable email notifications for clients in Simplybook Settings//Email and SMS settings by unchecking the corresponding boxes.

Then enter notification text and press “Continue”. You can create more detailed and rich notification than the one on the example by adding text and using variables from the list.

Test your newly created Zap.

Name it and turn this Zap on.

Check this Zap in the Zap list.

Congratulations, you have created a new connection that will send the copies of confirmation emails to various recipients!

Getting started

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Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.