Revision as of 09:13, 18 March 2019 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Remove Elements from booking page

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Employee Step

Enable "Any Employee Selector" in the Custom Features section and in the settings of Custom Feature check the box "Hide other service providers from booking interface"

Hide employee step.png


In Settings // Company Information // Basic Information // Don't use address checkbox.

Hide map from the booking site.png

Company email address

In Settings // Company Information // Basic Information // Don't show email on booking page checkbox.

Hide email from the booking site.png

"Change my time zone" option

In Settings // General Settings // Configuration set "Show booking page in client timezone" and "Send notifications in client timezone" to NO and save settings.

Remove timezone selection.png


You can view all your reviews in the Review tab in left-side menu, under Reports. You can also delete reviews there if necessary. If you wish to remove the option to leave a review on your booking sit eand do not send feedback request then in Settings // General Settings // Email and SMS settings // Settings for email and SMS notifications // set Number of days until feedback request is sent to client to Disable.

Disable feedback v3.png


In Custom Features section disable Photo Gallery.

Photo gallery disable path.png

Working hours

If you want to remove this section for new themes please go to Settings//Design//Themes and colors//Additional theme settings//Main page mode and choose mode without working hours

Main page mode v3.png

Disable booking page

In order not to show any info on your booking page (make it blank), you can put blank theme on your booking page in Settings//Design//Themes and Colors.

Please select to show all themes and choose the last one without image, add the link to the page your clients should be redirected to in case they open your booking page and save settings.

Disable booking site step1.png
Disable booking site step2.png

Please note! Even with blank theme your booking page will appear in Google and information will be shown in directory. To remove your company from directory and mobile app, please check the box "don't show in catalog" in Settings//Company information//Directory listing.

Exclude from directory.png

Removing with Custom CSS

Phone field

1. Go to Settings // Email and SMS settings // Mandatory fields//Email (to make phone not mandatory).
2. Please go to Custom Features // Custom Features and enable Custom CSS Custom Feature. Then in Custom Feature Settings or in Custom Features // Custom CSS paste to Booking page CSS window at the very top the following code:

For new themes:
    display: none;

For old themes:
.phone-element.form-element, .phone-element.form-title {
    display: none;

Email field

1. Go to Settings // Email and SMS settings // Mandatory fields//Phone (to make email not mandatory).
2. Please go to Custom Features // Custom Features and enable Custom CSS Custom Feature. Then in Custom Feature Settings or in Custom Features // Custom CSS paste to Booking page CSS window at the very top the following code:

For new themes:
    display: none;

For old themes:
.email-element.form-title, .email-element.form-element { 
   display: none;

Our time

Please go to Custom Features // Custom Features and enable Custom CSS Custom Feature. Then in Custom Feature Settings or in Custom Feature // Custom CSS paste to Booking page CSS window at the very top the following code:

For new themes:
div#sb_booking_company_time {
    display: none;

For old themes:
.company-time {
    display: none;


Please go to Custom Features // Custom Features and enable Custom CSS Custom Feature. Then in Custom Feature Settings or in Custom Features // Custom CSS paste to Booking page CSS window at the very top the following code:

For new themes:
.social { display: none} 
i.fa.fa-share-alt { display: none; }

For old themes:
.share-buttons {
display: none;

Remove some specific element

If you need to remove a specific element from your booking page, you will need to use Custom CSS Custom Feature and corresponding code. If you don't know CSS, please contact support and they will create a request to check whether such change is possible.
Please note, that big requests may be done on paid basis.