SOAP custom feature

Revision as of 14:36, 3 August 2021 by Admin (talk | contribs)


This feature allows you to insert time stamped record with 4 text fields that stays with client data in patient format. SOAP notes are a style of documentation that medical professionals, such as nurses, therapists, athletic trainers, counsellors, and doctors, use to record information about patients. The acronym stands for subjective, objective, assessment and plan.

How to use

1. Enable in Custom features//Business enhancements(old interface).
Soap enable path v3.png

2. Now you can go to Manage//Clients, click on Edit button, choose SOAP info tab and add necessary information there.
Add soap info to client.png

Or you can add SOAP information from the booking directly by selecting “Client” tab and clicking on “Add SOAP info” button.
As well this option allows you to add some medical history in separate tab if necessary.

Add soap info to client from booking.png

3. And now you can check and/or update comments related to particular client in Manage//Clients//Edit//SOAP info history.
Check soap info history v3.png

Or in booking related to this client in “Client” tab.
This feature also allows you to check the records added previously either in booking in Calendar or in client record in Manage//Clients//Edit.

Please note, the information you add there is not seen from client side and is for internal use. As well these notes cannot be exported from the system in Reports.