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How to take screenshot

How to copy link from browser

How to reload page

How to clear cache

How to add to mobile screen

Tracking pixel

To add tracking pixel to to track successful bookings:
1. In admin interface go to Plugins // Plugins section and enable Custom CSS plugin.
2. In plugin Settings add to Booking pages CSS tab code:
.booking-result #pageNotifications { content: url('http:// ';); }
where content should contain tracking pixel url. And press Save CSS.

Facebook tracking pixel

To add Facebook tracking pixel to your site please follow the instructions from Advertiser Help Center

To add Facebook tracking pixel to site:
1. Go to your Facebook Pixel tab in Ads Manager.
2. Follow the simple steps to create pixel.

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3. Insert the title of the pixel and press Create button.

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4. At install the code step copy src of the tracking pixel:

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5. In your admin interface go to Plugins // Plugins section and enable Custom CSS plugin. In plugin settings add code with src copied from previous step:
.go-back-link { background-image: url("src from facebook"); }

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6. Now you can track successful bookings. In Facebook pixel tab press Create conversion // Track Custom Conversions. In the section Rule section, click on dropdown and change URL Contains to Events. Then choose PageView as a value. In Category section choose View Content. Then press Next.

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7. Check your booking pages activity in Facebook Pixel tab.

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