Opening hours of the company vs Working hours of provider/service
- Company Opening hours
It is the general time when ALL your providers work. Providers' working hours should be within opening hours of the company, so if you have several providers make sure to open time in company opening hours that covers working time of all providers.
- Service provider schedule
Individual schedule of each service provider. Should be within opening hours of the company. If you can't open certain time for provider, please open this time for the company first.
- Company special days
Specific schedule by date, applies to ALL providers. Special days of the company are highlighted with yellow. Example: national holidays, when all providers are off.
- Provider special days
Specific schedule by date for particular provider. If company and provider have special day at the same date, provider's special day should be within special day of the company (if you have error "service provider can't work when company doesn't work", please go to special days of the company and open slot in company special days). Special days of the provider are highlighted with red.