Translations:Client Login custom feature/4/en
- 1. Enable this option on your Custom Features page.
- 2. Go to settings on the right to:
- enable/disable sign up on the booking page,
- ask your clients for their address on the booking page,
- make phone feld mandatory or not,
- hide "Personal data report" from client profile
- set notification templates about creating new user, password reset and change.
To have bookings only from clients that already exist in the system please uncheck the box “Allow clients to sign up on site”
If it is checked anyone will be able to sign up and make a booking.
To block/unblock some clients from booking please go to Manage//Clients and click on “Block” or “Unblock” buttons there.
Please note! If you block the client he/she will not receive information about your promotions as well.
If you have several profiles for one and the same client and need to merge clients please follow these instructions:
- 1) Go to Manage//Clients, and click on "Merge clients" at the top.
- 2) Then check the boxes with necessary clients and click on "Merge"
Please note! If you have unmerged clients they will not be able to sign in/sign up on your booking site to make and see bookings.