Take Me Back Home custom feature

From SimplyBook.me

Take me back home new icon.png

The Take Me Back Home Custom Feature, allows you to bring clients back to your home page or selected URL after a booking has been performed on the booking page. Clients can press a link or they will be brought back to your homepage after 10 seconds by a redirect script.

Please note! This feature is not compatible with Kiosk custom feature.

Take me back home new theme.png

How to use
1. Enable Take Me Back Home in the Custom Features section//Look and Feel.
Take me back home enable path redesigned.png

2. Go to its settings on the right.
Take me back home settings redesigned.png

3. Insert the link where you want your clients to be redirected, write a text for this link.
Also add the link where you want your clients to be redirected for mobile version and add its text.
4. Enable or leave disabled "Enable auto redirect to your site". If enabled, it will redirect your clients automatically to the page you indicated in the "link to your website" filed in 10 seconds.
5. Write auto redirect text that will be displayed in case the option "Enable auto redirect to your site" is enabled(please note! do not change "%s" part for correct timer work).