Revision as of 10:59, 30 June 2017 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Add elements to booking page


Logo and background

In Settings // Design // Logo, background and timeline.

Logo settings new.png

Add logo and banner2.png


You can add pictures to your services, providers, categories and locations in Manage // Services/Providers // Service details or Service provider details tab // Click on the photo box in Service provider image or Service image box and browse the photo.

Add image to provider.png


Manage//Services/Providers//Service details or Service provider details tab// Service description or Service provider description

Add provider description.png

About section

In Settings // Design // Home page // Company description.

About us new.png


Settings//Company information//Basic information//email, phone, website link

Contacts new.png


Custom Features//Adding more to the booking website// Photo Gallery//Enable

Gallery enable2.png


Custom Features//Adding more to the booking website// News //Enable

News enable2.png

In the settings of Custom Feature you can create news and they will be shown on your home page

News new2.png

Terms and Conditions

Custom Features//Business enhancements// Terms and Conditions//Enable

T&c enable2.png

Cancellation Policy

Custom Features//Business enhancements// Cancellation Policy//Enable

Cancellation policy enable2.png

Html formatting for description fields

Custom Features//Adding more to the booking website// HTML description fields//Enable

Html enable2.png