Should I use Classes or Services

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The points to consider before you set up your Services as Classes:
1. Each class will have a provider created(technically) and dedicated to it only. Please take this into account, since subscription levels depend on the number of Providers as well, and it is important to make sure you have the right fit for your needs.

2. In majority of cases, you can set your Services under Manage -> Services, without having to create them under Manage -> Classes.
If you offer multiple services while being the only provider or having a few employees connected to them - this definitely will not be a prescription for setting up Classes over Services.
In case you wonder if the Classes tool will fit your needs better, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Live Help Support.

When to use Classes Feature?
1. For specific calendar layout.
Classes feature has an excellent layout connected to it, that will display your Services too. Daily Classes calendar layout shows availability across all available services & classes on a given day. It makes the booking process shorter and more straightforward and is quite popular with Fitness, Sports, Education spheres and more.
Please note! the Daily Classes layout is not meant to show over 5-6 services at once (you can try Weekly Classes calendar layout instead).
Also, if your services are spread out a lot during the day, for example you have a morning session and then 9 in the evening only - the scrolling might be too extensive.
Please test this layout in both desktop and mobile views first to ensure it fits your needs.

2. For standalone events with separate attendees capacity.
Once in a while you may have some one-time event that has a different number of spaces than you usually offer during regular working hours. Instead of trying to change your regular provider capacity (that can influence other services you have) we would recommend creating a Class instead.
It will be completely independent from your regular services and providers.

3. You are used to working with the List of attendees.
In case you need to see a list of attendees per each class you hold Classes report will be an excellent tool as it allows to filter the participants per each class event.