
Created page with "<br><br> left Now allows new option for classes and events scheduling whatever kind of business you have. Brand new feature allows you to..."
[[File:Classes.png | left]] Now allows new option for classes and events scheduling whatever kind of business you have. Brand new feature allows you to have all your classes/events in separate section so that you will never mix them up with simple services. Or you can use classes/events interface only. Moreover, this custom feature allows to have almost all settings necessary for class/event scheduling on one page, which makes the setup process easy and fast.
To enable this option please go to Custom features page, select “Other” section and click on “Enable” near “Classes” feature.
[[File:Enable classes plugin.png | center]]
===How to create class?===
Please go to Manage//Classes page using your admin page left-side menu and click on “+” icon at the top. New menu will appear on the right side of the page, that will allow you to add class/event name, add its description, attach nice image and set price if you plan to [[Custom_Features#Accept_Payments | receive payments]] for your classes/events online.
[[File:Create class.png | center]]
To set duration please select “Time details” tab there and set the desired time.

'''You may also need:'''
*[[Adding_services,_providers_and_availability(new_interface) | how to create services and providers]];
*[[Need_to_change_interval_(timeframe) | how to change system interval]];
*[[Buffer_time | buffer time]];
*[[Custom_Features#HTML_Description_Field_for_Events | HTML formatting for class description]].
===How to set number of participants per class?===
By default the number of people who can attend the class is set to 1, but you can adjust this amount to your needs at any time by selecting “Class provider” tab and indicating desired number there. Do not forget to save your settings. ;)
[[File:Editing class provider.png | center]]
:''If you need to change this setting to smaller value but the system does not allow, please check [[1_is_not_greater_than_2_(when_trying_to_change_number_of_clients_per_provider) | these]] solutions.''
Here you can also adjust provider name that will be displayed on the booking page as it is the same as class name by default.
[[File:Changing provider name.png | center]]
===Need the class to be recurring?===
Please enable “Make class recurring/pack”, set number of sessions, repeat period and the mode how they should repeat. It is just a few steps. ;)
[[File:Recurring class.png | center]]
'''''Available modes:'''''<br>

:'''Not allow''' - not allow recurring bookings if one of dates in between unavailable (Using the example below, if 15th is busy, the system will not allow to book 1st and 8th, only days after busy day).<br>
:'''Book only on available date''' - only book on available dates and skip unavailable dates (Using the example below, if 15th is busy, the system will allow you to book 1st and 8th and 22nd (only 3 out of 4).<br>
:'''Add appointments''' - book on all available dates and add dates behind for unavailable in between dates (Using the example below, if 15th is busy, the system will book 1 and 8th and 22nd + 1 day instead of busy 15th, which is August 29th). <br>
[[File:Recurring_on_month_schedule.PNG | center]]
You may also need:<br>
*[[Recurring_services(packs) | recurring services]];<br>
*[[Buffer_time | buffer-time]].
===How to sell classes memberships?===
Need to offer your client an ability to buy membership and book sessions later when they wish to?
Membership custom feature is the solution! Please go to “Is part of membership” tab and enable the option.(screenshot here)
(Please note that Accept payments and Client login will be enabled as well)
Create Memberships by clicking on “+” button and attach them to desired classes by checking corresponding boxes. (screenshot here)

===Need different schedules for each class/event?===
It is also easy. ;) Please select “Class schedule” tab and set the desired times. (screenshot here)

Please move the sliders to adjust the available times and use … icons to add/remove breaktimes.
If you need to yse small intervals in class schedule please click on “Show advanced settings” bitton there and click on slots to open or close them(bright blue color means the time is open, light green means it is closed) (screenshot here)
If you have some exceptions in this class schedule on specific dates please use “Special days” tab to set them. (screenshot here)
Need you class to be available on some specific dates only or plan an event?
Please switch on “Do you want to set class on special days only” option and set the times date by date by using the calendar and clicking on the dates.
Or choose “Show advanced settings” to see full year calendar.
Need to set the same times for several dates at once? Please turn on “Enable group dates selection”,
click on necessary dates and choose “Setup schedule” option to manage the times. Clear your selection after setting up the times.

''Important note!'' Please make sure that you have saved all your class settings before switching to editing the available times.
===How to re-order already created classes?===
Please select “Categories and order” tab and choose the desired position from the drop-down.
Or use arrows near classes names to quickly re-order them.
===How to group classes into categories or attach them to locations?===
Service Categories and Multiple Locations features will help you with setting these options up.
Please select “Class categories and position” tab click on “do you wish to enable categories” option to switch on the feature and click on “+” icon to create new category. (screenshot here)
If you need to attach classes to locations just select “Locations” tab, enable corresponding option and and create locations one by one with the help of “+” icon. (screenshot here)
===Can I sync classes bookings with my Google or Outlook calendar?===
Sure! We have Calendar sync feature to make it possible. Please go to Custom features//Calendar sync to enable it and click on “settings” to attach calendars. (screenshot here)
''Important note!'' Please do not use “sync busy time” option for classes sync if you have more than 1 participant.
===How to set specific emails for classes/events?===
It may happen that you need to have absolutely different templates for confirmations or reminders. Flexible notifications feature will help you to solve the question. Please select “More options” tab, click on “Customize notifications with “Flexible notificatiions”” to enable it and create new template to your needs. (screenshot here).
===Important information for cases when you disable Classes custom feature===
Generally the class consists of pair Service + Provider that are setup on one page.
That is why when you disable the feature the classes you have created before will be split to services and providers that will be displayed in corresponding sections.
:1. If you delete service/provider related to class and enable Classes feature back, such class will no longer exist and remaining part(service or provider) will be displayed on corresponding page only.
:2. If you unattach the pair service and provider, after re-enabling the Classes feature and re-saving class the connection between them will be re-established.
:3. If you attach class service to another provider(s), after re-enabling Classes feature and re-saving class they will be disconnected and class service will be connected only to corresponding class provider.
:4. If you attach class provider to another service(s), after re-enabling Classes feature and re-saving class connections with other classes services will be removed. If non-class services were attached, these connections are to be removed manually.