Translations:Custom Features/188/en


Please note!

  • Only the following calendar layout types are supported: modern, slots weekly, flexible weekly, flexible, flexible provider and daily classes.
If you have a non-supported one set it will be automatically changed when this custom feature is enabled.
  • The waiting list booking does not have time attached and is related to date.
  • When some timeslot becomes available all the client who have applied for this date waiting list receive the email notification and the one who is the first will be able to occupy the spot.
  • Client can have only one active waiting list booking for the specific service and provider for the specific date.
  • During the process of the applying to the waiting list the clients fill in only the basic information or register/log in. All the rest(payments, products purchase, etc. will be provided when the usual booking will be made)
  • This feature cannot be enabled together with Multiple bookings
  • Waiting List feature does not work for recurring services and/or classes booking.