Revision as of 13:48, 26 March 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs)

Online Video Meetings Custom Feature


Online meeting icon.png

Use this feature to easily create meeting links for your clients and meet them online using video or phone

We also recommend enabling Client Login feature for the smooth client experience in joining the meetings as there may be errors if they try to join within a separate browser session.

Please note! This feature is not compatible with Kiosk custom feature.

Video tutorial available Youtube-Logo.png

How to set Zoom as a meeting service

To connect to Zoom, you need a Zoom account. Any contributor with Scheduling Administrator permissions can connect to Zoom. can only connect to a single Zoom account.

Please note:

  • Zoom bookings will not be added to your Zoom meetings page at the Zoom end. To check online meetings please use filters per service in the admin calendar to see bookings for the necessary service only.
  • Even after Zoom account is connected, new services have video conferencing disabled by default. To add video conferencing to a new service, in Manage -> Services/Classes, go to More options per service/class and enable it as an online meeting service.
  • Clients attending a group class will receive unique Zoom links, but these links will all lead to the same Zoom meeting.

How to set

1. Enable Online meetings custom feature in your account by navigating to the Custom Features page within your admin interface and click on the Enable button next to Online video meetings custom feature.

Online meetings enable path new.png

2. In the feature settings click on Authorization button near Zoom option to connect your Zoom account.

Zoom auth path.png

3. Enter your credentials to log into Zoom, or click SSO, Google, or Facebook to log in through those services.
You can connect one zoom account per company OR connect all zoom users added to your account by checking the checkbox Allow this app to use my shared access permissions

Zoom permissions step.png

4. After Zoom is authorized, click on Meeting Providers and Meeting Services and choose providers that should be connected to Zoom by selecting Zoom option from the respective drop down. In the next drop-down please select Zoom user (if you have several users under your Zoom account) that should be connected to that provider.

Zoom select user.png

5. After your Zoom connection is set, the last thing you need to do is enable online meeting option for your services. To do that please navigate to Manage -> Services -> click on needed Service name -> scroll down to More options. (in Manage -> Classes -> click on Class name -> More options if you are using Classes feature) and switch on the option Enable as online meeting service/class.

More options path to online meetings.png

6. When the clients book such a service/class there will be online meeting link on My bookings page for the associated booking. When the appointment time comes the clients will be able to follow it to access the meeting. For admin side it will be possible to follow the link from booking info popup form in Calendar or in Reports -> Booking details, or in Reports -> Online video meetings.

7. (optional) As well you can add online meetings link to provider and client notification templates so that both sides receive them with the booking details.

  • To do that for your client notifications please navigate to Settings -> Email and SMS settings (or Custom features -> Flexible notifications -> Manage if you have customized notifications per service and/or provider) and edit your Client's booking confirmation template to add [online_meeting_link] variable to send Zoom links to your clients.

To make everything work simply paste [online_meeting_link] variable to the desired place in your "Client's booking confirmation template" so when a client books a service, a Zoom meeting link will be automatically generated at the place of a variable.

  • To let your service providers receive Zoom links in their confirmations please add [online_meeting_provider_link] variable to your New booking confirmation for service providers in Settings -> Email and sms settings (or Custom features -> Flexible notifications -> Manage if you have customized notifications per service and/or provider).
Add meeting link variable to confirmation.png

How to set Microsoft Teams as a meeting service

1. Enable Online meetings custom feature in your account.
Online meetings enable path.png

2. Login to Microsoft Azure portal and your Microsoft Teams account with the user that is a member of your organization in MS Azure.
(Or create the accounts there)
Please note! It is not possible to connect personal/private Microsoft Teams account to the system, it should be related to an organization via Microsoft Azure.

3. Add Microsoft Teams in MS Azure -> Azure Active Directory -> Enterprise applications.
Ms azure connect ms teams.png

And add your user(or the desired one that you need to connect to in Enterprise applications -> Microsoft Teams -> Users and Groups on MS Azure side.
Ms azure teams users.png

4. On side please click on Meeting services block and choose Authorization near Microsoft Teams”.
Connect your Microsoft account.
Ms teams authorization.png

5. For the services/classes you wish to conduct online meetings switch the option Enable as online meeting service/class on in Manage -> Services -> click on service name -> More options
(in Manage -> Classes -> click on class name -> More options if you are using Classes feature)
Ms teams more options1.png
Ms teams more options2.png

6. When the clients book such a service/class there will be online meeting link on My bookings page for the associated booking. When the appointment time comes the clients will be able to follow it to access the meeting.
For admin side it will be possible to follow the link from booking info popup form in Calendar or in Reports -> Booking details.
Ms teams client side link.png
Ms teams admin side link.png

7. (optonal) You can add online meetings link to provider and client notification templates so that both sides receive them with the booking details.
To do that please navigate to Settings -> Email and sms settings (or Custom features -> Flexible notifications -> Manage if you have customized notifications per service and/or provider).
Ms teams add variables.png

Additional steps for case when you need to allow your Providers to have own MS Teams account connection

8. By default your MS Teams account that you have connected in Step#6 will be used to generate meetings links and conduct meetings, but if you have several employees in your company, they are added to side as providers and users and you wish them to use own MS Teams accounts for their online services/classes please make sure that you have them added as users in MS Azure with access to this application as well as members on MS Teams side.
(you can add users in MS Azure interface with internal domain or invite using existing email addresses)
Ms azure teams users.png

9. Then they need to log in to system under their credentials and connect their accounts in Manage -> Online video meetings.
Meeting tool per provider path new navigation.png

10. Once they have connected own accounts you will be able to see this information in Custom features -> Online meetings -> Meeting providers&Meeting services.
Please note! It is only possible to manually start a meetings for the users that have admin, senior employee or junior employee(connected to specific provider) rights.
Ms teams manually start.png

How the meeting process works

1. After everything is set up and the client books the online meetings related service/class both the client and the provider (or company, depending on your settings) will get the links to the meeting.
Either from email notifications if you have added the corresponding variables to the templates.
Meeting link in emails.png

Or the provider can get to the meeting page right from the booking on Calendar while the client from "My bookings" tab of the booking site.
Link from booking.png

Meeting link on my bookings page.png

2. By default the meeting starts automatically for the both sides when the booked time comes.
Client waiting for meeting.png

3. As well the provider can manually start the meeting if necessary using the corresponding button.
Provider waiting for meeting.png

4. After this the redirect to Zoom or Microsoft Teams(depending on your settings) software takes place and all the participants can join.
(It is not mandatory for the customers to have MS Teams account. To join they will only need to fill in their name after opening the meeting url in their browser)
Teams page.png