Difference between revisions of "Adding services, providers and availability(new interface)"

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If your services will cross midnight, after you set up your availability make sure to set "Allow service to extend over closing hours" to "Yes" in Settings//Configuration.
If your services will cross midnight, after you set up your availability make sure to set "Allow service to extend over closing hours" to "Yes" in Settings//Configuration.
<div style= "padding: 40px 30px; width: 30%; border-radius:20px; background: #f1f6ff">'''''You may also need:'''''
<div style= "padding: 40px 30px; border-radius:20px; background: #f1f6ff">'''''You may also need:'''''
*[[How_to_set_my_availability#I_have_both_schedules_for_services_and_for_providers|Schedules relations]]
*[[How_to_set_my_availability#I_have_both_schedules_for_services_and_for_providers|Schedules relations]]
*[[Events_(services_on_particular_dates)|How to set service as one-time event]]
*[[Events_(services_on_particular_dates)|How to set service as one-time event]]

Revision as of 07:30, 9 August 2021

See video tutorial on adding services and service providers Youtube-Logo.png

Adding services

Video tutorial Youtube-Logo.png

How to create a service

In Manage//Services press "+" icon.

Create new service.png
M add new service.png

In right-side menu insert the name of your service and add service description.
It is possible to use HTML formatting for service description to change the font, its color, etc.
You can also upload picture of a service, and activate prices to accept payments on-line.

Add service details.png
M add service details.png

How to clone a service

It may happen that you need to create several similar services with the same settings. Cloning option will definitely help you.
Please select the service you would like to make the copy of.

Select the service.png

Click on "Clone" button in the top right corner, confirm the copying of the settings.

Service clone button.png

The following service settings will be copied:

As the result, one more service will be added with "Clone" added to its name so that you will be able to easily see which services are the copies.
(You can edit these services names to adjust them to your needs in "Service Details" for the corresponding service)

Service clone result.png

How to set service duration

In Manage//Services in right-side menu choose “Time details” tab to set duration for your service.

Time details path.png
M add service time details.png

It is possible to set service as recurring here.

Make service recurring.png
M make service recurring.png

As well you can set fixed starting times for your service. Please check more about Appointment at Fixed Time Custom Feature here.

How to set specific schedule for service

In Manage//Services//Service schedule tab move the sliders to set open times for this service if it differs from usual company schedule.
Or click on "Show advanced settings" if using the slots view is more convenient for you.

Edit service schedule.png
M set service schedule.png

If the service has the same schedule as company you do not have to change anything there, it will be applied automatically.
You will be able to check it on "Advanced schedule" section.

Services - company schedule.png
M service advanced schedule- company default.png

If you need to set some exceptions in service schedule for holidays or other needs please choose “Special days” tab there and set times for desired dates.

Service special days.png
M service special dayschedule.png

How to set 24/7 or after 00.00 services

If your services will cross midnight, after you set up your availability make sure to set "Allow service to extend over closing hours" to "Yes" in Settings//Configuration.

Adding Providers

Video tutorial Youtube-Logo.png

How to add a provider

In Manage//Service Providers press +" icon.

Create new provider.png
M create new provider.png

In right-side menu insert the name of your service provider, set number of clients he/she can serve at a time and write service provider description.
You can also upload picture and set his/her phone number and email address if necessary.
Save settings.
Please note! Phone number should be added in international format for SMS notifications to be sent correctly.

Add provider description new.png
M add provider description.png

How to clone a provider

It may happen that you need to create several similar providers with the same settings. Cloning option will definitely help you.
Please select the provider you would like to make the copy of.

Select provider.png

Click on "Clone" button in the top right corner, confirm the copying of the settings.

Provider clone button.png

The following provider settings will be copied:

As the result, one more provider will be added with "Clone" added to its name so that you will be able to easily see which providers are the copies.
(You can edit these providers names to adjust them to your needs in "Service provider details" for the corresponding provider)

Provider clone result.png

How to attach services to provider

In Manage//Service Providers switch to “Services, attached to this service provider” tab and check the boxes with services this provider will perform.
Save settings.

Attach provider to services.png
M attach services to provider.png

How to set schedule for provider

You can set regular schedule for providers in Manage//Service Providers, choose necessary provider on the left and switch to “Service provider schedule” tab.
For example, if you work Monday-Friday 9a.m - 5p.m you simply set schedule for those dates by moving the sliders to desired positions(bright blue line will mean available time).
To make day of the week working/off use the switchers near days' names.

Provider schedule v3.png
M set provider schedule.png

Provider schedule details.png

How to set schedule for holidays and other specific dates

You can set schedule for some specific date for provider in Manage//Service Providers, choose necessary provider on the left and switch to “Service provider schedule” tab, choose "Show advanced settings" option and then "Special days" tab.
For example, if you work differently on certain date or have day off, you can click on the date and set schedule by clicking on the corresponding slots to make them available (bright blue)/not available (light blue).

Provider special days v3.png
M provider special days.png

To make some date working/off-day, click on the date and use "Is working day?" switcher near the schedule that appears in pop-up.

Special day editing.png
M provider add special day.png

If you need to remove special day settings for some date, click on the date and press white button "clear special day".

Clear special day.png
M provider clear special day.png

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