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What Custom Features do not work with each other


Custom features

Approve Bookings and Accept payments
paid reservations are approved automatically. If you want to approve reservations for some services - set Service price to 0 in Manage//Services//Service details.
Group Bookings and recurring services (packs)
number of participants drop-down isn't displayed for recurring services.
Group Bookings and Multiple Bookings
Add more bookings button isn't displayed if several participants are chosen on Service step.
Multiple Bookings and recurring services (packs)
Add more bookings button isn't displayed for recurring services.
Approve Bookings and Multiple Bookings
with approve bookings all appointments from multiple bookings pack are approved if one session is approved. The way around is to edit reservations you want to reschedule and cancel reservations you want to decline first, and then approve the pack.
The API works similar to our backend but it does not have 2 factor authentication and we would not be able to distinguish if something was happening through our backend or API. Illegal access to information could be claimed to come from our interface while it was in fact unsafe programming against our API. We therefore disable this as default.
Clean History does not work with Coupons & Gift Cards(and therefore with Loyalty System), Packages and Membership.
If you need to use Coupons and Gift Cards and/or Membership you will need to disable Clean History Custom Feature and vice versa.
Kiosk and Take me back Home, Online Video Meetings or Telegram Notifications
do not work with each other as both are related to redirects after booking.
Client Rescheduling is not compatible with Approve Bookings
As well it is not possible to reschedule recurring or group sessions, bookings related to gift cards, coupons, memberships.
Tickets and Accept Deposits
cannot be enabled together as it will not be technically possible to generate tickets for deposit payments.
Facebook Client Info and Client Login
Facebook login is not shown when Client Login is enabled as Client login feature has own sign up option using social networks.
Related Resources, Display Spaces Left and Any Employee
Generally these features can be used together but in case you have "Only one" resource type related to the service and have hidden all the providers from client view, the remaining spaces will contain the total of all related providers capabilities till the first booking is added per timeslot. After the first booking is added the remaining spaces will show the amounts based to service-provider-resource relations.
Display Remaining Spaces and Limit Bookings
cannot be enabled together as for now it is not technically possible to use them at the same time.
Display Remaining Spaces and Calendar Sync
can be enabled together but the amount of timeslots will not be influenced by the time blocked with calendar busy time synchronization.
Facebook Client Info and Custom Domain
cannot be enabled and used at the same time.
Facebook and Instagram Bookings and Facebook Pixel
cannot be enabled together. It is not technically possible to use them simultaneously.
Client Rescheduling and Any Employee
can be enabled at the same time, but during the booking rescheduling process the initially selected provider will not be changed to reduce the risk of issues with schedules and other provider-related settings.
Vaccination Report and Limit bookings, Related resources, Calendar sync
can be switched on together, but the report statistics is not influenced by these features data.
Vaccination Report and Classes
can be enabled at the same time, but classes statistics are nor reflected in the report.
Multiple Bookings and Waiting List
cannot be enabled together. It is not technically possible to add usual and waiting list bookings to the cart at the same time.
Zapier Connector is not compatible with HIPAA and/or Google Authenticator
It is not possible to connect account to Zapier if you are using HIPAA and/or Google Authenticator
LINE LIFF and Client Fields
cannot be enabled together as for now it is not technically possible to use them at the same time.
Waiting List and recurring services (packs)
the option to sign up for a waiting list is not shown for the recurring services/classes

Specific calendar layouts with some custom features

All flexible calendar layouts and Appointment at Fixed Time
do not work with each other as it is not possible to show fixed times when timeframe-based layout is selected.
Flexible, Flexible weekly, Flexible provider calendar layouts and Display Spaces Left
are not compatible. With these layouts the amount of remaining spaces is not displayed.
Client mobile application and some calendar layouts
Only weekly classes, modern and flexible layouts are supported.
Client rescheduling and some calendar layouts
Some layouts are replaced during rescheduling process(flexible provider becomes flexible; modern provider becomes modern; weekly classes becomes slots weekly; daily classes is replaced by modern).
Make me look busy and some calendar layouts
This feature is not compatible with flexible, flexible weekly and flexible provider layout types.
Waiting List and some calendar layouts
This custom feature does not work with Modern provider calendar layout.